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File: 1702730707947.jpeg (51.51 KB, 568x539, A9B93BC1-08BA-453B-876B-07….jpeg)


Why the hell do i have to be born into a world that decides im a “female” and that because of that that means i have to want children but hate sex?
I love dicks more than i love the person, i have not met any females that love dicks, the look, the feel, the function… i find it to be the most important thing ever (second most important is the males moans) I also like my head to be patted while being fucked, Idk why, maybe cuz my past lives are intertwined with being a dog in another universe.

Its not fair i have to defy everyone’s expectations and be seen as “not like the other girls” like liking anime and jpop is somehow a niche, fuck off


As long as you're not elderly and barren (25+) you have a 100% chance of ensnaring a male to take care of you. Simply be polite, humble and submissive


>Why the hell do i have to be born into a world that decides im a “female” and that because of that that means i have to want children but hate sex?
What world are you living in? Western society promotes you to "date" as many men as possible, focus on your "career", and not have kids in order to "focus on your happiness", "save the environment" and "lower your expenses."
>I love dicks more than i love the person
That makes you no different from the majority of women, until some of them (but not all, as /pol/ likes to portray since they live in an unnuanced terminally-online bubble) have a mid-life crisis often in their late 30s about not wanting to be in their "promiscuous phase" anymore and wanting to be monogamous again ("but dating and finding 'the right man' is so hard in your 30s, sob") because they decided they now either want someone who "loves" them or because they want to have a child without being a single mother. This is why there's a low birth rate in most of the world now, it has nothing to do with the "cost of living" or some other excuse. So be aware that can happen, possibly after you get off your SSRIs, birth control pill, schizo medication or whatever. But it might not happen and you might remain promiscuous your whole life with little worry. I'm not making a moral judgment since we're all sinners, but this isn't sustainable for any society in the long run: the Pashtuns in modern-day Afghanistan for example can recite their ancestral and tribal history back a thousand years whereas the rootless cosmopolitans of the civilized world often don't know their own biological fathers.
>Its not fair i have to defy everyone’s expectations and be seen as “not like the other girls” like liking anime and jpop is somehow a niche, fuck off
This is actually mainstream among Gen Z women. Maybe not jpop as much (kpop is a little more popular), but there are plenty of white girls dancing and twerking around their asses and tits to jpop sound clips on TikTok this moment.


>What world are you living in?
no growing up and even now people tell me i should have kids and my ex husband believed that people labeled “female” don’t like sex and me liking it made me “not like the other girls”. All females in my life only liked the penis for what it did inside of their vagina and don’t like the way dicks look.


>no growing up
Maybe your little town or family are an exception. I refer you to the current Australian fertility rate, and its downward trend (slope) even before Covid that is sharper than Japan's though not quite matching their rate just yet.
>even now people tell me i should have kids
Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire or /pol/ doesn't count.
>my ex husband believed that people labeled “female” don’t like sex and me liking it made me “not like the other girls”
People say dumb things when they're young.
>All females in my life only liked the penis for what it did inside of their vagina and don’t like the way dicks look.
People are superficial especially when they're young. Genitals are an acquired taste. Fear of the unknown probably.


You are not exactly a good example of what can be expected from the psychology of an ordinary woman.


File: 1702783104182.png (763.81 KB, 917x994, my parent's dog.png)

You can be our resident pass-around gal, a real go-getter. We'll keep you preggers around the clock with our high-quality semen and you can produce a lot or milk for us in compensation. Your nickname can be Cupcake. My parents' dog finally made it into the anime extended universe.


It's over when I say it's over.


Pretty rich coming from Cupcake.




Whats “EDGE” whose “them”? da j00s? glowies?


also ensured for what?


>i plan to put it inside fo you
Oh yeah why are you not fucking me now then bigboy?


wtf are you fucking talking about



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