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Operation Silent Night
December 22nd - January 1st

Greetings and Happy Holidays!

Many of us have seen the internet grow from a handful of pages to an advanced communication network that is relied on for day-to-day activities. While the ease of access to the internet has greatly increased, this has also given the most vulnerable access to the same network. Due to this, predators are no longer hiding in a van outside schools or behind a newspaper at a park. They are able to hide behind their computers, with the illusion of security, luring underage children.

It is time we expose these predators and protect the children that will use these networks in the future. We must ensure the safety of children against online predators if we want the technology that we have created to grow and evolve. We must focus on the goal of creating a better future for the next generation.

From December 22nd to January 1st, we will focus on finding, exposing, and reporting online predators.

Predators are found in every corner of the internet; from popular children's games to secret online forums. While the authorities in every country take these crimes very seriously, it is our duty to properly expose them. Many platforms are unmoderated and lurking with predators. There are multiple networks that have been online for years and are a breeding ground for these predators. Due to the curiosity of children, many fall in to the hands of pedophiles.

For the holiday season, it is time to take a stand against these disgusting individuals. Create underage profiles, bait a pedo, expose them to the authorities, their family, friends, and coworkers. Let it be known that their atrocious actions deserve punishment.

Pedophiles are NOT FUCKING WELCOME on our internet.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.


Just control your kids?


his fat ass PIG bred his germ into shipping things and electronic insurance. (describing their poor health, those deranged pigs)
Now look at 'em.
Even Assange needed all the ass-rape stoppers out in your way.


Not your personal army.







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They get paid to go to unsafe corners of the internet. It's their job. I'm not going to put my health and safety at risk to play vigilante. FBI anonymous tip line is always open: https://tips.fbi.gov/home




>Getting involved with feds
Reminder that:
>SHE WAS 17 YEARS, 364 DAYS, 23 HOURS and 59 seconds OLD, YOU SICK FUCK!
is the mindset of people such as the OP. They want to help the FBI frame innocent autists by flirting with them while pretending to be a teenage girl. The sort of gullible lonely men, who never received female attention in their lives, and who can't reasonably be expected to turn down an opportunity just because they're a few years underage. Most of the time these cases get thrown out in the US, but it still causes a lot of trouble.
Were you aware that niggers have the highest rate of preteen pregnancy and it goes completely unpunished? Why don't these brave, "anti-predator" paladins go to the hood to stop them?


Don't those vigilante operations cause troubles with securing convictions? From the predator catcher videos I've seen, it sounds like they're baiting predators a lot longer than a couple weeks anyway. I'm not confident that much thought has gone into this plan.


>Don't those vigilante operations cause troubles with securing convictions?
Yes, because in the land of the free you generally can't get someone arrested by cybering with them online for months on end while pretending to be a little girl, since it is in fact not illegal to have gay cybersex. The person they are trying to bait will likely only face legal consequences if they decide to admit guilt for some reason. Entrapment however, happens to be illegal even if glowniggers do it all the time.
>I'm not confident that much thought has gone into this plan.
It's a psyop.


>bust autists for chatting with adults pretending to be kids
>do nothing about epstein island govt child traffickers

glownigger logic


If you could like, actually [redact] the filthy spammers targeting imageboards like this instead of whatever this is that would be great. The things I'd just seen just now ain't no nigga supposed to be seein'. Gnomesaiyan?


I don't understand those "pedo" catcher types (from what I've seen they usually bait using a 14yo girl so that's just normal male sexuality at work). I think they aren't that smart


I would like to know who's responsible for spam of that nature. For what purpose? Outside of federal agents or blackmailers(either of which would raise even more questions), I can't think of a reasonable explanation.



Schizophrenic male virgins.

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