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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>tfw only 114 IQ


kys midwit

j/k u aight


Into the diamond mines you go



cheetos on your fingers, i grant you the delivery of MadKatz* for your Fingers


I couldn't bear being under 125. Or having a small man-part. I can barely stand being only 7/10. I Mew as hard as I can


I know you won't lie us on the Internet.
Height. What's your height?


I've tested between 118 and 125, but the secret is you can still be retarded even if you have a high intellectual aptitude. It won't save you from ADHD, obsessive-compulsive disorders, autism etc. unfortunately. We can only play with the hands we're dealt heh


All that really matters is that you're over 6 feet tall.




My driver's license says 5'9 but I'm between 5'7 and 5'8 now. It's so fricking over lads heh


>be me
>125 IQ
>zero accomplishments at age 37


I'm sorry. There there little man.


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Its pretty much dead average for a White man in Aus/US etc. And would be a bit less so in some European countries. For whatever reason though, whenever I've been to clubs I notice a lot of men are taller than me, I think clubs naturally attract taller Chadder men - and otherwise push away shorter uglier incels because they just can't compete.


You need to accept that you are a tiny, tiny man and that's okay. Except in the eyes of girls that is... LOL.

But in general, you're alright little dude.


Seems like a steep drop honestly. Do you have big grandpa arms (forearms)?


I think I've been called short exactly once in my life. Can't remember how she said it. Maybe it was "a bit short". But I remember she was a lefty uni girl, the short cropped dyed hair lebso type. Idk if she was trying it on, on me. But she was oddly persistent. Maybe just a brain fart that wafted too long in the air. She was angsty and annoying, muh feminism, maybe trying to bother me. Can't remember her name or I'd try and profile her


Oh and FWIW I am really attracted to tall women and/or women 5'10"+. *Gulp-in-mouth*-tier.

The way they stand there with their big space-taking-upsome fleshy soft mass. Hnng!


Given your extremely short stature, you narurally see yourself in the position of a young child, and are attracted to taller women who remind you of your mother.


>who remind of your mother
He lives with his mother and I highly doubt that she's a tall exotic woman.



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