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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Don't mind me, just dropping off this old gem


rofl. what ever slappened to smiley?


He does all of the drugs. Crack, meth, jenkem, you name it and he's doing it or has done it. He also has a 57 year old fuck buddy named freya. He still lives with his parents, larps as being homeless and aside from the drugs&sex.. nothing else has changed.


Drugs are bad kids.


>He also has a 57 year old fuck buddy named freya.
Have you seen if she's hot at least? Does she have good hygiene or does she have B.O.? Hookers that age still charge $2k for "overnights."


Here's a redhead hooker who says she's "over 45" I found by searching Freya on this hooker site called Tryst.
You can see she charges $2k for "all night."


As you can probably tell, Constance West has lots of friends and probably some who are better at breaking the ice than you.


Fuck buddy, hooker, tomatoe tomatu.


Chicago IL. Smelly little lives in canada.

I suppose he could fly to chicago which is hilarious to imagine.

He also has gotten plastic surgery. He fixed his jaw. I don't know if he's gotten anything else done but yeah.


bruh she's 57 and banging smiggle, of course she's not hot


Any proofs that she's his cumdumpster cocksleeve?


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Age has little to do with physical attractiveness.
Here is Mitchell Baker (b. 1957), CEO of Mozilla, and here is Linda Yaccarino (b. 1963), CEO of Twitter with her sisters. They're all in their 60s yet it's pretty clear which of these faces are erection-inducing and which one isn't. And this chick is a multi-millionaire, supposedly married to a man (do they even have sex?), yet she decides to sport that "hairstyle" and won't get jaw surgery + invisalign or braces, double-chin liposuction, PRK (better than LASIK) and mole removal.


>jaw surgery + invisalign or braces,
Oh hi smelly.


>it's pretty clear which of these faces are erection-inducing
None of them.


>Age has little to do with physical attractiveness.
lol k

>They're all in their 60s yet it's pretty clear which of these faces are erection-inducing

none of them unless you have a granny fetish...

then it's all of them

>won't get jaw surgery + invisalign or braces, double-chin liposuction, PRK (better than LASIK) and mole removal.

I'm convinced most of you lookism nerds are asexuals using checklists to make sexuality into something logical and quantifiable and failing miserably


She might not need jaw surgery, it's hard to tell because of the double-chin which she should lipo first.
>none of them unless you have a granny fetish...
Perhaps you are homosexual or have ED?
>I'm convinced most of you lookism nerds are asexuals using checklists to make sexuality into something logical and quantifiable and failing miserably
I use something called eyes and notice whether a certain phallic organ stiffens.


Smelly you have that blurry eye problem and can hardly see anything. You're kind of partially blind, no?


It's so difficult to tell what's up actually the truth with smelly because he's a rabid compulsive liar tbqh.


Smiley considers Italian women to be non-white and would say you're traitorous to the h'white race if you find any of them attractive.


>notice whether a certain phallic organ stiffens.
this isn't how a man that actually likes to fuck talks about his dick, you sound like a machine trying to ERP

but it's okay for him to fuck a homeless tweaker because her eyes are blue

just assume the worst at all times


>just assume the worst at all times
It's kinda difficult not to. I can't believe his bitchass owns a 3D printer. I had to find that out from one of his oversharing blogs. He's such an....


Italians aren't white and neither is smiley. Get real. He's part slav and whatever else.


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>this isn't how a man that actually likes to fuck talks about his dick, you sound like a machine trying to ERP
Do I need to dumb it down and code-switch for the local knuckle-dragging wigger?
Smiley's a strict genetic determinist yet he got cosmetic surgery.


>Smiley's a strict genetic
Apparently not. He's just a compulsive liar.


None of these women are attractive. You've gone so far down the incel rabbithole that you've managed to convince yourself that 0/10 literal hags are appealing.

Touch grass holy shit.


You have bad taste then. They look pretty to me and there's nothing you can do about that, stormweenie!


OP, I feel like I have to apologise for getting your thread derailed by botspam/tripnigger shite. I was only wanting to keep an ancient .net joke running another year.
Please continue your vocaroos.


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24 days left gang, what are you all doing for xmas


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>24 days

I meant 12 days


im going to be baking a nice big cherry pie
why dont you cum and join me?


no thanks


o rly?

what about... a cream pie?


>He's part slav and whatever else.
You know what else.

Same as every year, spending the day with my folks and pretending we aren't in the end of days.


you should stop posting here


schizophrenia in dis thread too lawl

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