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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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The bugs meme is a clever psyop because it demoralizes Westerners by claiming we'll be eating bugs, which is really an Asian practice mostly, which we see as gross, and is probably not going to take off, whilst the food we're already eating is probably much worse - grains, sugars, other carbs, artificial sugars and most of the plant oils are quite bad.


Like other meat substitute products It's mostly just another technocrat "sustainability" scam that survives off of retard investors, government grants, and tax credits.


We're already eating them and just don't know it yet


It's "outrage porn". The whole thing is a scam designed to drum up attention and outrage to attract venture capital.


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what if by 'eat the bugs,' schwabbie just meant lobster?

that's why bill gates is buying up all the farmland. WEF is going to start lobster farms all across the nation, and deliver them to the unwashed, andrew yang $1000/mo NEET masses via jeff bezos' delivery drones!


Sometimes I wish I lived in colonial America and could just catch and cook lobster for every meal and die of dysentery before I'm 40.


are lobsters really that easy to catch? you would just be eating pikes and trouts


Crab and lobster is very easy to catch. It doesn't ship well which is why it's expensive.


They're also heavily overfished. Lobster was considered poorfag slop back in colonial America.


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I learned "crab sticks" are actually made from fish. I get them from a local chink-run fish and chips place sometimes.


A lot of crab products are made from pollock. Pollock doesn't particularly taste like crab but you can flavour it artificially. It's kind of a mushy fish.


surimi is a SE Asian fish sausage, whitoids thought fish sausage sounded gross so companies marketed it as "artificial crab"


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Don't freak out, but there are thousands of mites living all over your face


"99.9 percent of humans carry them," says Ron Ochoa, a mite scientist at the US Department of Agriculture. They're most abundant on our faces, but live in the hair follicles all over our bodies, and a single person may harbor more than one million of them in total.

Your body harbors at least two closely-related species of mites: Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis. Both live in your hair follicles, but folliculorum live in the follicles' main cavity, whereas the smaller brevis live in something called the sebaceous gland, which secretes a waxy oil called sebum — likely the mites' main food source.

Both types of Demodex are densest on the face — especially near the nose, eyebrows, eyelashes, and hairline — but they live anywhere on your body where hair follices are. Scientists, however, have never fully studied the total abundance of mites on the human body. Dan Fergus, a researcher that works with Menninger, estimates that the average person has between 1.5 and 2.5 million mites, but no one really knows.


Kind of cool tbh


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Water bears.


They're not cool. Any time you feel itchiness on your body, it's likely these little fuckers causing it. Maybe in the future cyberpunk dystopia there will be a microrobotics treatment one can do to zap these motherfuckers off their body.


Proof or gtfo. Oh. Right those microscopic fuckers aren't the reason.


>read that
>suddenly whole body feels itchy.
Fuck you and your sorcery.


Why would you want to remove them? They eat your dead skin cells.


Water Bear Internet Defense Force detected heh

tbh I ascribe to the perhaps unfounded but plausible (in my mind) hunch that microscopic critters are a cause of cancer and other chronic maladies because of their association with inflammation. Not sure what these little fellas do but the fact we're a whole-ass ecosystem ourselves is pretty wild gnomesaiyan


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Water bears do not bother you.


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>They eat your dead skin cells.
I'm perfectly fine with that.


What are your favorite bug recipes 4chon? Are you ready to farm grasshoppers and guinea pigs to survive the vaxxoid apocalypse?

I kid, bugs are actually expensive to raise and cost more than meat in the southeast asian countries where they are popular. The whole eat the bugs thing is a retarded grift.


Gathering is free though


Damn she's pretty cute. Would you eat erm, land lobsters with that bugman gf anon?


Ngl tho the grasshoppers seem unpleasant to eat. She has difficulty chewing them and they look overcooked a bit. I feel like they'd be bad for the poop too because of undigested shell.


Not really that cute


Imagine her sucking your dick with the same lips that just crunched down on a bunch of weird insects and hot sauce.

This is worth fighting for, white man.


Ppl already eat shrimp and think it's okay. There is not really any level that the average Joe wouldn't sink to and they deserve what they get


Prawns are great


You VILL eat ze (sea) bugs and you VILL like it.


Nigger, No.


From watching Western food tourism vlogging, terrestrial arthropods seem to taste completely different from shellfish, even when you're just eating soft stuff like larvae. I wouldn't mind trying snail, though.


I wouldn't trust the tastes of a white person. They think everything tastes like chicken.


goyfeed should be renamed to soyslop

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