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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>tfw too impoverished to buy marijuana products from the local dealer/dispensary
>tfw reagan-era conservative boomer "drugs are bad, mmm'kay" parents won't let me grow it in our huge yard even though it would be the perfect environment for it and could literally make millions selling it legally in our state

which circle of hell is this


Those people selling it have a dispensary license. You don't have a dispensary license.


i'd do it under the table, duh

how jewish are you?


In your parents backyard. Yeah. I'm sure you won't get caught and nothing bad will happen. Good luck with your plan.


I don't know what that means.






start an onlyfans to pay for the drugs


I've been curious about how much it costs to make drugs, not exactly because I want to do it but because it's interesting and it seems to be hard to find the info. Rambo 4 is really good btw, kino movie if you haven't seen it.

Was thinking about how much druglords would make in places outside the West, how they make it, their operations and so on. I don't really see why Ketamine is expensive at all. I'm guessing the price of production vs sell price is like 10x or more.


Depends on the drug. You also have to think about cost of equipment and skills. Some drugs require an education.

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