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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1704219598945.gif 1.14 MB, 498x424, skeleton-burning.gif


Christianity is really just a 2000 year old game of Lava Run. Think about it


What's "lava run"?


Old game in StarCraft where you run from lava. Involves jumping over obstacles. It was one of the best custom games, along with mole hunt


I thought about it but I don't get it. Please elaborate.


You ever play the game based on "the Thing", the John Carpenter movie? That one was frickin' based as heck heh


The Thing was fun. The Phantom was even better imho. 8v8 ffa, all fully allied at start, unknown phantom must die. It was an absolute blast being the phantom




On God it was pretty similar iirc famalam, almost like a primitive proof-of-concept


made me lagh


she cute

I hope she has a BWC in her life


why are u obsessed with dicks


the phallus is the source of all the world's power

embrace your lingam and know purpose


Thanks, men and their penises, for ultimately creating this current nightmare world.


File: 1738921451096.png 754.72 KB, 767x720, pngwing.com (6).png

I hate lust. I don't feel any kind of sexual urges, most of them are psychological resistance not lies like that.


we have to channel our penile energies to change things, anon!



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