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File: 1704469314758.jpg 109.58 KB, 1600x1050, remediating-pharmaceutical-….jpg


women naturally excel at mindless procedural and maintentance tasks done over and over and over again in repetition, beyond the point where men would break. basically the robot slave labour.
the technological imperative in "post-industrial" consoomer soyciety is to cost-optimize and automate humans out of mindless procedural and maintenance tasks done over and over and over again in repetition. it is probably also a very masculine imperative, because guys lack patience for the robot slave labor.
the technological imperative in "post-industrial" consoomer soyciety is to cost-optimize and automate women out of way of economic labor that they naturally excel at.
the technological imperative in "post-industrial" consoomer soyciety is alien and opposite to what women naturally excel at.
contemporary feminist art expresses growing resentment towards femininity and procreation (proclaiming it 'objectification' etc.), basically those things that stem out of nature itself, because those things make women weak in face of the technological imperative requirements in "post-industrial" consoomer soyciety of making trinkets and widgets and materials and food items on industrial scale and cost-optimizing and automating humans out of any of that for automated robot assembly lines in dark factories. contemporary feminist art expresses growing resentment towards what is set and seen as a weakness on genetic level against robots, cad and cnc machines i guess. not saying anything new, but nature gave them the shorter stick against the technological imperative in consumer soyciety of making funkobops and lego star wars. there is absolutely nothing that even the geneticist soyentists can do about it so the seething won't stop, the seething against that nature itself, but blaming the guys for it. 97% of linux desktop users are men according to poll on reddit or something and some of them even may program cad software.


What in the copy-paste bullshit is this mess?!


tldr soyciety that values cad and path-finding algorithms alienates women for letting them naturally excel only in "mundane" things like every day looking after the keeeds

also there is increasing trend in general of ppl being mad at what imperfect slobs and blobs the nature made them so the (((virtual reality))) (✡️ 666 mind upload eternal cybernetic soul torture slavery 666 ✡️) may be there to fill the gap


Transhumanism is gayer than transsexuals. It is known.


Your theory doesn't matter because most companies and governments have internal quotas and/or horny male managers requiring them to hire women.


Thought you were gonna talk about women in uni by your opening line. A place has been created for them there because they are good at mimicking ideas and marking criteria that caters to that like posting 1 vaguely interesting comment on the student discussion board (online) every week. Or lots of miniessays, instead of something more weighty, substantial and original.


They're pretty good at memorizing and repeating too, so they're a good fit for modern schools. Women consistently score higher than men in school grading and it's because of that.


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It seems to be baked into human nature that there's less variance in female aptitude, where as more men tend to be either significantly better or significantly worse at any given subject. This is why I like to remind people who bring up "smart women" that if you believe the women in your demographic are more intelligent than you are, then that probably just means you're stupid in general or over-estimating them. Yeah, a female professor might be smarter than you, but she's not smarter than her male peers. It's not even a realistic thing to believe. Look at the drop-off at 120. Anecdotally this seems to apply to just about everything. Men are more "specialized", women are "generalists" for some reason.

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