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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1704532572537.jpg 21.82 KB, 320x320, peness.jpg


kill all nigggots

patrician supremacy now


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mod me btw


She's got a nice neck I'd like to bruise-fuck her with it.


she only takes true patrician cock

nigggots need not apply


the kodo graveyard is actually a codeword for the fag bashin' clearance.




vag00 are a hot bug eating southeast asian woman who makes less than a dollar a day and is willing to marry a handsome white autistic man in order to move to America and father 14.88 hapa school shooter children with him?


G-d I hope so.


im literally a white 30 yo woman and engaged to be married.
sorry goys its over


>only just engaged

It's so over.





sorry guys..... i have let everyone down.....


marrying at 30 is a bit late (for a woman) but you didn't reach 35yo empty egg carton nigggot status so I'll forgive it

that makes sense

filipinas are the wives of choice... for nigggots

white people are the most patrician race


>white people are the most patrician race

Yeah sorry that's wrong.


why do unironically racist people on the internet think theyre cool? you have to seriously be a massive loser who thinks their cancerous behavior is charming without realizing everyone thinks youre annoying




nigggots seething

your children will be nigggots


Honestly where whites exceed all other races is in being good goy slaves. No other race has dedicated himself to serving the jew like the white man


I was born in the racism, molded by it... mostly. Prolly went full race-realist around 18 but the assorted ethnics in my high school (Arabs (a lot of which fought each other as well as everyone else), East Asians, Islanders, etc) were an early redpill/racepill.


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No goyim it's not "affirmative action" or "DEI" just for Jews only, we're just "combatting anti-semitism"


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"Conservative" neo-con rag New York Post which is owned by Rupert Murdorch seems to report race in crime reports selectively


Can rightoids get any more cucked?

The demented boomer trying to break into the car deserved it though tbh.


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Putin represents the Russian flavor of boomer cuckservatism.

Putin: Please have 8 or more children
Russian women: Nyet
Putin: Yes honey

Putin: Put a ring on her finger! (even though Russian women have an average body count of 30 and the divorce rate for all first marriages is over 50% which are almost all filed by the wives)
Russian men: Nyet
Putin: You need to be more patriotic for the motherland!


B-but muh based redpilled trad soyciety that's going to do the holocaust...



Chinese can basically be defined by their cheapness. Everything is cheap and shitty there


If it s not under the sea then it is fine


The third one looks like charlie kaufman movie


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>the second one
>in general
>also the fourth


I really hate that second video.


die, for real lol

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