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I can’t relate with humans.
Males pretend to be sex obsessed but can barely fuck once a day.
Females pretend they find “nonsexual-romance” more attractive than sex

These are the biggest bullshit things about humans but im not gonna bother complaining about every single thing i don’t subscribe to


Can you relate to Terry Davis on your perception of reality?


You can't relate to humans cause you look more like a manatee LOL



but also



idk his kinda racist


Dogi start killing nonWhites NOW


She's a beautiful white maiden, she's not supposed to wage war for you. She's your prize from waging war.


Heh.. back off bub the ladies spoken for
~unsheathes katana forged in purest Germanic steel~


I thought dogi was asexual because of her meds


The only people I eve see using their phones to make calls are Arabs and Indians

And I'm sure I could fuck more than once a day and I've basically never seen a woman say she cares about romance the way your typical incel chud does


Romance was invented by men, for men. Women don't really think in those terms naturally.


Not for long after WW3 lmao heh


"Meds" fry the hormonal systems of nearly all foids now


>Females pretend they find “nonsexual-romance” more attractive than sex
I really wish this were true


I don't understand what this means.


I hope they draft her because she identifies as a male and she dies in siberia



Forget Siberia. Ship dog off to saudi arabia.


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Women pretend they want Disney shit with a nice guy when in reality they want to be kidnapped by handsome chad pirates and gangraped repeatedly in a basement


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I was born in the wrong generation.


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You say that like it's a bad thing.


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There would be none. You can't rape the willing. Chad's army would have the ladies drop their panties immediately. Women would throw themselves at the chads. The women would have to be pried off the chads. Don't you understand!?



>Hi I'm here for the job interview


Dogi why did u dox urself?


Dog lives in australia. Dog tells everyone that they live in australia. I don't think they give a shit.


Xhe is so white it’s unreal

She even has a Celtic first name.


Her name is literally

Celtic First Name
Celtic First Name
White Bitch Surname


Stupid obeast fat white foid


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Calling an aboriginal australian man, a white woman. Dogs busy gulping down a pint of petrol as you read this. Reread this as many times as you like.


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Vast majority of women are dysgenic, soulless holes with zero interests beyond instagram


Women don't want you. It's time for you to turn prison gay.


Rape is always an option. Don't screw with cornered animals.


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Women can have interesting social and cultural takes. But a lot of the women I've been exposed to were from my uni (USyd) so they were all pretty smart.

Otherwise she's right but men don't want women to talk to we want to make them housewives. But NOT ALL MEN are even like that today anyway... So both men and women are degenerate. And even 9 out of 10 /pol/ chuds can't fathom approaching a woman 18 or under, if they themselves are 22-25+.

They are like wagies but instead of worshipping Work they worship the AOC except-but they've created a personal AOC which states that they can't make advances on a woman unless she's within 3-5 years of their own age.

From my experiences of talking to women 16-22, the difference is night and day. The younger ones are so much more submissive and deferential. They have a certain respect when they talk to me, which they lose when they age from about 18 to 20, though the rate at which they lose it varies. Its probably the social media exposure and their experiences with men.


Also this girl is very cute, will be a lucky guy who snags her

Watching up until 3 mins in gets you thinking about how "the Lord" is pretty clearly taking the place of a father or husband in her life


Jail is always an option. A man might make you his bitch and fuck your ass. Don't be a cornered animal and drop the soap.


Have you ever used rapeseed oil as lubricant?


Have you ever had big-black-bubah in the jailhouse use your shit as lubricant, in the shower?


Do you think she fingers herself to thoughts of jez0r/god?


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It's a shame that the only force capable of protecting a woman's mind from the mental illness of neoliberalism is the older mental illness of Christianity

Christianity is the gentile domestication program forced upon our ancestors to instill them with the values of meekness, servitude, equality, pacifism and celibacy

Good image. I would also recommend you read this blog if you haven't already. This man is a genius with a free soul


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if true then that is one hell of a woman. Hats off. Cheers.


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>If true
Yeah, it's SUS af.


proof or gtfo


Realistically, when do you ever see other races be absolutely fecund like this in a non-dysgenic fashion? Whites seem to be the only ones with conservative trad-caths, amish and other upper class and wealthy types that consistently have 6+ kids each.

I honestly think we might've been psy-opped into thinking the white birthrate is lower than it actually is.


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Check out this mumma

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