Smoking is not cool.
Smoking hasn't been cool since the 80s. At present it's associated with smelly poor people who buy scratch-off tickets.
>>72273t. "middle class" grub who still thinks parroting e-jews will have him exit his cocoon as a rich butterfly in is 40s.
>>72279What is an "e-jew"? I am telling you the truth. Young people in the west don't smoke tobacco anymore, and the people who do so tend to be as I described.
>>72280Zoomers vape but smoking is virtually dead yeah. Literally the only people who smoke are ghetto trash. The lowest of the low.
I'd say even weed smoking is more common than tobacco now.
>>72281All my older sisters smoked. They're 35-45 now. All stopped around 10-12 years ago or something.
>hype me up for self murder bros.
No, that's gay.
>I know how I'm going to die. I'm going to take all of the pills and alcohol that I have at once. I considered doing this tonight but why not wait for a while.
You should reconsider. Tonight is a fine night to do it.
Smoking smells gross and costs a lot of money. It's an activity relegated to spiritual peasants who're consumed by a need for constant consumptive stimulation even at the cost of physical health (and again, most smokers are poorfags). Vaping isn't really any better, iirc it's pretty bad for you and also expensive, the only difference is it doesn't smell so bad and coat everything it comes in contact with.
i still smoke....
>>72322Avid contain yourself
>>72308You're fucked in a lot of ways and I dislike you for it, but you've been with us from the beginning and I don't wish any specific harm on you. As long as you stay away from children in the real world you could yet do well for others. Maybe your suicidal ideation will cease if you start helping others with your time and money instead of just sitting on it. Try living in service to your fellow man and maybe you'll find a new lease on life and leave the pedo coomer lifestyle behind. You can start by keeping your sexual proclivities to yourself, and from there anything is possible.
>>72326Shush you. 4chon thirsts for blood. If redx dies it will spare the rest of us from the curse... for awhile.
>>72327I laughed out loud at this post js
>>72325I'd rather contain some big fat cocks
>>72308this kid makes it look cool.
You see, White people instinctually feel pity for self-loathing retards. If OP wants to die so badly, he needs to be more hateful or hang out with niggers.
smok awzome