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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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In this situation, don't engage. Call them toxic people, get up and leave. They have made up their minds.


I like seeing ppl get exposed like this. A very large amount of other people do too


>[ - ]


She is too reasonable with them. She should have been way blunter. She talks as if she's trying to persuade them. She's talking as if she is speculating about their motives. Call them out directly, say that you know it's because they overhired and you're not standing for it, heavily imply other workers will know in future. Then get up and leave.


When's the step where you go back to burn the place down?


When you truly feel you have nothing left to lose. Most people never get that far.


For her own self-interest there was no need to put this public. This is enough to launch a wrongful termination lawsuit if the employer is trying to avoid paying a severance if it was in the employment agreement and/or if she's unable to collect unemployment. But then again she's a woman so she'll probably get away with it and not get blacklisted from all companies like a guy would and/or use her newfound fame to launch an OnlyFans.



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