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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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We should start a gofundme to buy Avid a really beefy PC so he can finally finish his house and become the next big minecraft YouTuber!!!


I already have one


then make some minecraft vids, nigger


Fuck off


c'mon, man! do a series where you build 50-block-high cocks out of every single material in hardcore survival mode


Fuck off


with your charming accent and epic gamer skills you could have nigh infinite ad revenues and sponsorships and maybe even fuck some e-girls

you just gotta use cocks to juke the algo, it's not gay or nuthin



zoomies would love that shit


Youre a fucking idiot


you're the one turning down great career advice


Fuck off.


You always are. You sissy cum slut with no self respect.


Pc. You meant beefy dildos. Didn't you?


Fuck off
Fuck off


This board is full of people that want to support you emotionally, spiritually and even financially and yet here you are shitting on every gift we try to give you. Grow the fuck up and let us love and tolerate you.

I'm trying to help him get some and he keeps lashing out!

Not a bad idea... if the gaming thing doesn't pan out he can be a camboi!


I don't need anything from anyone




How would you know if I'm lying or not?


He's the sasha grey of 4chon.


Literally how


and if by cock fighting you mean to condone their killing minors, that's what they do here


i'll bash that old shit's face and slit their kids throrough-bred colon open like a tuna can, or a dirty maggoty marlin.


they just got a little nigger trick and some shoulder meat


on the bright side that gas can is next to the swing so i think the wife is swinging


chris chan's parents were swingers


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fight me pussy


You've spoke openly about being a NEET and a crackhead.

He's not but he could be if he put his mind to it.

Look, bro, you either make the gaming channel or you start dildoin those holes. I don't make the rules.


>You've spoke openly about being a NEET and a crackhead.
That was years ago, things change
>Look, bro, you either make the gaming channel or you start dildoin those holes. I don't make the rules.
I already have a channel, I'm not posting it here though


>I already have a channel, I'm not posting it here though
That's alright. Nobody here wants to see you dildoing tbh.


you sound salty, mad that i wont post my channel lol, weirdo stalker


dance videos get views but you gotta have music and costumes


You're 5"4'


that's avid in the video, not me


whats your problem youre stalking me and its weird as fuck, fuck off and stay fucked off you weird little fuckhead


im not


thats not a dance video you dipshit


i farted and it smells of shit



I'm your biggest fan (checked btw)

I think we're all taller than HDV (checked btw)


I had thought a couple good sized boys were running for president, you dumb cunt. Let me give you a piece of actionable advise: Jennifer Andy-Stead is right here and everyone in town is allowed to see her at the end of the tunnel in this place, right here at Cross Creek Church. I know this on good authority, let's be there together!


theyve been upheld to the fact that theyre without doubt coming to the fire ritual and staying there for at least 3 hours a piece, they were even given [redacted]s to stand on


Since Avid doesn't want to be a gamer, I have a new idea. We can crowdfund a plane ticket to Australia and a nice rental house on the beach near Gold Coast. He and Dogi can live there and do webcam shows for us. I just know all the chonners would love to watch them suck and fuck for hours and hours as we goon along in ecstatic glee.


god i need a leeloo gf


Don't forget to bite your bullet on the practical kid arrangement interests. You belong on a yubikey ad and live nextdoor to a fine meat market and gaybar


Sponges in Minecraft. You have a 60 dollar solder iron, it doesn't look good to me if you'll bring anything over this amount of money worth to tin the tip. You just rip yourself of and get a runty tip when you tin on a copper to all that content


It's a members list. After the private members list, there are still more lists


A private members. If you will, static


yo hdv why not just rangeban your 172.59.* friend for 7 days


shut your mouth you little worm, if you could get to me you would have already, plebeian, fuck you and fuck your shitty little family system and life

again, lie down and die faggot


eat yourselves, behold to the cartel, your fathers and mother's, they are the true power, you deranged faggots


also, I knocked on the ivy covered houses door and fuck all happened, fuck all happened, fuck all happened

you fucking pathetic little kike rat ill embarrass you again and again


>"we are so, le bad"


firemasons would like to know your location


wash up fuck slut, how nasty, Mary wouldn't mop the floor with your dead hair you disgusting jezebel


I wanna fuck avid's boipuccy bros


if we crowdfund you one will you do camshows for us?


stay away from me you little faggot
dogisaga kill your fucking self already


we're offering you fame, fortune and sex

you're a fool for turning it down!!!!

if he keeps refusing pussy you miiight have to


>we're offering you fame, fortune and sex

>you're a fool for turning it down!!!!

I'm not, sex with you lot, you should be so lucky LOL, people like me don't fucking mix with people like you, full stop, stop stalking me

>if he keeps refusing pussy you miiight have to

I'm volcel you fucking degenerate, I have something I have to do for God, you lot are not getting in my way, you demonic little shots, fuck off and stay fucked off


god gave you a bwc.... use it or lose it, darling!


leave me alone, I'm not the person you think I am, not in the slightest, stop trying to subvert me with your disgusting degenerate interests, just fuck off and die, please.


>I have something I have to do for God, you lot are not getting in my way, you demonic little shots

What did he mean by this???????


fuck off ghoul, take your drugs, do your sex like a good little ghoul, you're obviously too dense to grasp what you read, too brainwashed, you can't understand a life outside of degeneracy, enjoy your crucial lonely moments late at night, enjoy not knowing yourself, enjoy being a slave, enjoy having to have people with you at all times because when it's quiet the voices consume you instantly, you go your shitty little way and I'll go mine, I'm going to stop talking to you altogether from this point, I do not associate with your kind.


It's cute when you get all emo and crazy.


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we talking ghouls now?


ye duder


okay I see why he turned down the offer of a gaming PC...

avid is in a really epic band!


im still alive


beh lend


nigger im a millionaire i dont need your groomer money


I heard about a new Holy Spirit Calculus full of God reeling everybody in.


So you think that God has a sick sense of humor?


when I die expect to find him laughing


post bellend resting atop some bands





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