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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Is there a safe cutoff year and/or features to avoid if you don't want to be sent into the side of an underpass at 80 mph for Googling the wrong name?


i piss myself all the time


I'm reminded of that battleground state politician's son who just happened to get into a fatal accident in his fancy new car shortly after his dad demanded a recount over election controversy, something he reneged on afterwards heh

Make sure to buy a manual car from the 90s or very early 2000s at the latest if you can find one in good enough condition.


That image is really good.


If you can afford a new car, then you can afford to have your entire engine rebuilt if need be tbh.


dont save it youre not allowed


you should buy a 1992 volkswagen scirocco


commercial grade vehicle made in japan
right hand drive only


True tbqph


1980s Mercedes 900 series diesel is the king of all automobiles, but if you can't manage to get one the Volvo 200 series is a fine substitute. Both options have the benefit of being simple enough that you can work on them yourself and they will both accrue value as long as you maintain them. With the Volvos the main thing that seems to wear out is the interior upholstery. The 700 & 900 series Volvos are also excellent.

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