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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1708407852745.png 771.18 KB, 690x628, creature.png


Is it truly our species' fate to forever have indelible lines drawn between animalistic hylics and ourselves, the noble internet schizos who see the world for how it truly is and wisely ruin our own potential for conventional success and chances at what's considered a normal life by opting out of participating in any meaningful way entirely?


-or is that manner of thinking just a psychic trap in and of itself, laid by the true orchestrators of fate? heh


For the vast majority being a social misfit wasn't a deliberate choice they made out of principle or as a result of preference. Being poorly adapted to soyciety probably does not make you an enlightened internet sage, especially these days.



The mouse utopia is failing. We see it happening. There is no escape. Those "people" expect us to play along while everyone dies.


Yes often it doesn't, but I would argue that isolation often does allow people to develop in divergent and sometimes good ways. However ppl isolated nowadays may be even more socialized than normal cuz of internet.

Also there is no choice in what anyone is, it is a useful psychological tool to own what one is rather than to put urself down about it. Sometimes internet misfits are not poorly adapted, they are well adapted to a system that is running poorly and is obviously beneath them. Misfits could easily be harnessed to great effect by some groups, and are often in fact targets for recruiters into military stuff.


That's the exact kind of woman that's ugly in a hot way.


File: 1708500868153.webm 1.17 MB, 640x480, ducks1.webm

best I can do is ducks


>However ppl isolated nowadays may be even more socialized than normal cuz of internet.
As we can see on the internet such individuals are prone to joining anyone who gives them attention, which is why so many autists get sucked into trannyism. They're targets for all kinds of cults and grifters. If for no other reason, this is why I would caution against thinking too highly of "internet schizos".



imagine if she sucked a BWC



kys avid

jyoti hates niggers



yes, we know- you lick all the nigger erections because the indian women refuse to



your parents will die, and then what? how soon before you follow them? was attempting to court a part-jewish middle-aged minor (not how you wish that meant btw) lolcow worth sperging where you shit and eat, champ? lol

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