Are chonners watching the glasses tech scene as closely as I am? I've been watching it for the past 2 months at least.
I'm tempted to drop $1300 AUD on these, but it seems no seller is offering refunds. I would definitely try them if there were local sellers with refund options.
This one basically just offers a screen in front of you, showing you whatever is on your device (phone, maybe PC or steam deck etc). Apparently there is wow factor with an up to "330 inch" display in front of you. It isn't both AR and VR (or "mixed reality) like the AVP (Apple Vision Pro) so you can't e.g. tap a virtual keyboard in front of you, you'll have to use the control device of whatever you normally use.
I think one of the problems with marketing this stuff is showing or capturing what it looks like. The guy here at around 30 secs does a good job:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hccsHpOau9kOtherwise the OP video is the best most neutral breakdown and review that I've seen of the XReal Air 2. The major con is that it's Chinese so I'm suspicious of what the build quality and overall quality would be. Though I'm also wary of possible eye strain or other eye issues - from having a screen so close to your eyes.
I want the AVP it's cool as fuck. But there's no way I'd shell out $7500 AUD for it. Maybe 2k... I'll have to wait and see what comes next
Drawing on it would be super cool btw...
Probably a gimmick that's going to be a niche product at best, like what VR ended up being.
>>74641>screen so close to your eyes.Save yourself the money and eye damage. Seriously. Later you'll find out about people getting burned retinas and having gone blind.
>>74647No I think this stuff is here to stay, have you not been watching the news on this stuff? There are a couple dozen different models from different companies trying to break out and establish a market for this stuff.
And the glasses keep getting cheaper and better developed. And they have real world use cases. It's pretty exciting really.
>>74648Yes eye issues are a potential concern...
>>74641consumerist slop for betacucks that have to hide from reality
>>74700Reality = infinity niggers
You like looking at niggers?
>>74701As an anti-depopulation advocate, I would like to tell you that infinite niggers is GOOD and you need to stop being racist.
>>74705Thank you alex jones. We need to continue to wake people up to the elite depopulation agenda and fight the infowar against the globalist bankers. The world needs to be filled with so many niggers that there's standing room only. It's what god would want.
Bill gates handing out condoms to niggers is equivalent to the completely real nazi holocaust. In fact he is secretly a nazi, as are all the globalist elites.
>>76267In the future humans are going to be blind.
>>76267lmao imagine buying shit from aliexpress
>>76290aliexpress chinks will do prescription glasses properly with all the fancy lens perks for 1/3rd the price you get local.
also i buy my generic no brand plain cotton hoodies, long sleeve tshirts and cotton-synthetic mix shorts in bulk from the (((chinks))). those noname hoodies have better temp circulation than shit i've bought from (((the nike))). sweatpants and ankle socks are still far better from (((the nike))).
chinese "smart" glasses is 100% some ewaste though like come on being the weird queer randomly "taking videos" >hei guys look towrds my faec now ok i am techno-geek filming u now see it hasthelightthat[..]
heh, remember "smart" watches? lmao
("charging" a "watch" weekly is not a normal thing to be up to & u do not need a toy to tell you you didn't go to sleep at time or got a high blood pressure or heart rate going unless u are ur mum who is 70)
>>76556please upload your dismal attempts at rizz here if you ever decide to create such content
>>76577inb4 no deliverance
>>76561still waiting for delivery
>>76724bro it would take probably 2 minutes to upload wtf
>>76730Maybe you misread me, I meant to say, wait until I have more than a few minutes of audio to upload. I only have two clips really, both about 30 sec lol
I want to make GOOD CONTENT FOR THE INTERNET! It has to be GOOD! Real, in this case too, but I only really want to contribute something valuable... The internet demands good content...
>>76733just upload those stop making excuses
>>76738One of them is so cringeworthy I can't upload it without a little writeup
Anyway where should I actually upload the audio to?
Oh I guess I can do it here, I'll just strip the exif.
Alright I'll upload something when I find it but I somehow can't find them right now
>>76749>>76748you leave too much space between your sentences m8 try to talk faster, it fools normies into thinking you have a lot of energy
>>76752Nah, it's fine. Too fast = nervous.
>>76756yeah it clearly worked here
>>76748 my bad
>>76752No, that approach was fine, the girl just wasn't interested. Can you hear her correctly? I asked if she was a tourist because it was at Circular Quay.
I was very disapointed in this approach because it was so value-sucking. I was nervous and couldn't think of what to say. I wanted to do some kind of "assumption stack" but was too nervous to think of anything. I could've gone with how she was journaling or said something about her being German and that it was the summer ("so you must have come here to escape the cold in Germany", "I like Germany, their people like order/I like German history to do with the wars, I am part German etc etc"). I knew that I was value-sucking as the convo went on. When she asked if I like Sydney I held up my hand and did this "so-so" motion but could've talked about how I like surfing and have surfed Bondi 50 times. Also felt bad because it seemed superficial that I approached her because she was good looking, which was true but I also like women for who they are. It just made me seem like I was only looking for good looking women (to bang).
I said "how about you talk to me" because she seemed nice enough but was looking down at her phone a bit and I was trying to pull her off it. I've done like 70 approaches like this where I sit next to a girl at Bondi so I'm pretty sure I could've had a nice convo with her if I gave her more to work with, she actually gave me a bit to work with (she was journaling, German, probably liked nature and sitting there in the shade, she said that she liked Sydney (why?)) but overall I was just too nervous to bite, like I said. I learned a lot from this.
Also thought her comment about me being strange was strange, but I also understand that I was interrupting her and so on.
I'm looking at Samsung phones to pair with the XReal Air 2. Input is welcome but I'll probs buy over the next few days.
>>74641i havent tried AI glasses or goggles, i would as a lark but i couldnt see myself being one of those people walking around in public wearing them, it gives off a cringe vibe of internet addiction and FOMO that im not willing to be a part of, they are also very expensive for something id probably just use to watch porn or movies, although im not sure how or even if that works, in terms of AI glasses/goggles im less interested in what browsing facebook is like with it and more interested in the potential industrial applications of them, id guess there could be a use made from them by people who are laying down building foundation markers or even used as a tool by an architect or event organiser (stage planning, light positioning)