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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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How do I purge my mind of all the shit I've seen on the Internet?
I want to go back to my happy-go-lucky self, before /b/ and before 4chan in general.
Is there a way to do this? I must do this to gain back my sanity


No, but you should start taking black walnut and wormwood tincture to purge the parasites from your intestinal system and also give you cool hallucinations heh


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My life was horrible before 4chan. Then I met 4chan and everything changed. I'll never be alone again. It's amazing having a bond like this. We'll be together 5evar. I love them very much. They're my bff.


put a shotgun under your chin facing upwards and pull the trigger


already done that


That you think there's still some kind of future in escaping escapism, that's pretty funny.



Internet retard-cattle like to pretend most adults don't spend the vast majority of their time wagecucking and running errands, while using what little free time they have staring at the electric jew. People don't even use the internet primarily as an "escape", they use it because they have no energy left for anything else, and have nowhere else to go even if they did.



Blow off face with gun but still live. Yikes.


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