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 No.75142[Last 50 Posts]

Piggie wants someone to pay her to get fucked


Even whores are very entitled these days.


Dog is a man. A tranny pretending to be a woman.


Oh how the mighty have fallen.


Re ur last message: I don't think it would be more sexy, but it would make more sense.


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>having standards when you look like that



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Is this cum guzzling meth smoking dumpster diving compulsive liar troll serious?


Let the man experiment. Do you not believe in soyence?



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Modern soyence in a nutshell.


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true 100% 💯 on god no cap agreed this what he said seconding


we need to fly avid out to her NOW



actually you'd be more of an AEL in this case (dogi is an abo)



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Piggie thinks men would pay to have sex with this sow bitch(Original source for liability: https://twitter.com/uncledogi/status/1764977164259360926 . Dogisaga may ask to have this removed when/if she's out of her manic episode in the future.)


she should start an onlyfans

fat tits = $$$$


Man, I'm so happy I didn't see the full image. That is gruesome.


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I think I'll stick to big fat willies...


What the actual fuck.

Naw man, I want to believe but my heart knows that's a fucking copout. This is a woman, or was at one point.

Once human, but human no longer.


only a fag would pass on an opportunity to fuck and suck those epic funbags


Put your trip back on dog.


it's so obvious that the goblin is samefagging posting about themselves to try and groom people into finding it attractive, will never happen, goblinsaga is just an ugly cunt, full stop

goblinsaga you're ugly as fuck, nobody here is ever going to fuck you nor will ever want to, not avid not HDV not smiley not phantasm not rhed not moody, just FUCK OFF AND DONT COME BACK

honestly the goblin is so unaware of how fucking retarded they are





Mitch probably has PTSD from fucking this sow


Why did he do it? Does he have zero self respect?



He’s a krautchanner who married an obeast abbo. You do the math,


Dog use to be a catch. Maybe he thought he could save her and help her become the woman she use to be. In the end it was too steep of a mountain to climb.


>Dog use to be a catch.

That's quite a stretch. She used to be less fat but she was always ugly, and she's a BSR tier retard.



>[ - ]


Goblinsaga, look in a mirror lmao.


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>Dog use to be a catch.
I didn't know that you liked biological male tranny's that dress as women. I didn't know you swung that way.


those tits belong to a biological woman, my dude



Responding to [redacted]orf, the 60 iq human spambot


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kys queers


Has no one ever told you in high school that repeating a joke doesn't make it as funny?


Dog is literally a biological man. It's not a joke.



it wasn’t a manic episode im not deleting any of the titpics, but i may possibly not post anymore cuz im in a monogamous relationship again with the same guy who is my ex husband


Good, the sooner you leave this fucking site the better




i meant posting titpics


hiding this goblin thread now


Avid's jealous cuz as a male prostitute he views you as competition, whenever he posts his dick and balls no one cares and tells him to go away but when you posted your udders once a part of the internet went on a chimpout.


you mean just here on 4chon chimped out?


Kohlchan, lolcow.farm (dwarf posts about you all the time there), and whatever other followers you have in your telegram/twitter cult


kohlchans website doesn’t work for me, fuck them if they cared they would have been on my telegram, idk if im gonna post more titpics anymore cuz im in a monogamous friendship with my exhusband. Lolcow actually talks about me? i cant deal with stupid rumours, im just gonna avoid all that crap and stay in my spaces(4chon is one of my spaces)


telegram AND twitter i mean


kohlchan is some pedo shit anyway. fat incel faggots whining all day about how society is mean for not letting them rape kids.


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I would fuck her ONLY for the meme value, IF she wasn't a vaxxoid zombie


Dogstrailia literally is a biological man and tranny with a cock and balls. Do you really want that?


Sounds like baseless slander from some of the impish rascals we have around here


im not vaxxed u dumbass, and u cant do anything to me cuz im in a monogamous relationship


It's amazing your husband hasn't killed you.


juicy funbags and a big fat cock? she could make millions on OF!


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Nope. You're a zombie. I remember quite clearly. Don't spread your clots to innocent humans


You're confusing her with the other 4chon groupie >>77972


ex husband, who became my monogamous friend after boob postings


That's possible. Nevertheless Australians did get rounded up into concentration camps and fried with police microwave weapons. I doubt she resisted, no foid could without a strong man guiding her

Chon foids are vaxxoids. There's nothing to gain by making this gamble. Why play Russian Roulette with 5 bullets for a wet hole?


The abbos of Australia are like cockroaches and survive off of the liquid fluid called petrol. No microwave can kill them. They can live on the moon.


nobody wants to fuck dogisaga because they are very ugly and fat


i want to [redacted] goblinsaga by [redacted] off its [redacted] with a dull [redacted]


everybody wants to fuck dogisaga because her funbags are very juicy and delicious



everyone wants to [redacted] goblinsaga because its ugly and inbred


What a sow bitch


this pig looks like she fucks abos


nah abos have standards


she fucks 'roos


she has her pick from straight men of every race

you lot might be gay if those funbags don't have your todgers throbbin



goblin post on endchan so i can ban you again


dogisaga is probably the ugliest female i think ive ever seen


This disgusting PIG
has literal tard wranglers


avid seething over dogi's raw sex appeal

you will never be as attractive to men as she, ya flamin galah


what did she even do to deserve so much seething


>samefag responds to herself all the fucking time
>makes the worst threads on 4chon
>derails threads with fagspam
>is fat and ugly
>is anti white
>is a weeb


merely existing as an adult human female with juicy funbags is enough to trigger certain queers


brickzilla x dogi when?


the man who seeks the goblinsagas 'tits' when there are a billion and one other women who are actuslly attractive and have bigger tits is beyond help and hope and should neck


there are a lot of "white nationalists", who are anti-white by believing in the holocaust and excluding other whites from the movement, as an aboriginal she should be allowed to express her concerns too, her ancestors were native to the land
but if you turn your brains on, dogisaga is a victim of jewish mind control, she went too deep, her comics were awakening a lot of people
the jews fucked her up via pills and microwave technology worsening her condition, and her husband shouldn't have joined any movements or cheated either
sewell is an informant and a retard anyway, in fact a lot of these groups are very pozzed
yes, she is not all there anymore, but she is still a victim and a good example how it looks like
her brains got fried, it's a point of no return and everyone must understand that there is more to it than just mental illness


i wouldnt say William Luther Pierce was anti-white by asking if maybe 200,000 jews might have been systematically killed, though i recall him also proposing that maybe they died from disease and starvation (mostly caused by the Allied bombing campaign).


inagine samefagging this shamelessly


>sewell is an informant

How u know this


every single group like that is KIKED to the galls and is filled with retards, he also behaves like one, so i won't be surprised if he is an informant, a lot of kosher viewpoints too
people, who join any political parties or "national-socialist" groups are dumb faggots asking to get blackmailed or raped by niggers in prison afterwards
him and joel davis should get the rope


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i mean, look at this shit
do you really think they are not fucking kiked? it's all kosher
very good at making national-socialism look appealing to the masses, i bet, especially to the poor boers in South Africa


take your meds you fat faggot


fuck off, nigger, this is the truth


look at this fucking filthy hook-nosed projecting RODENT
he doesn't want you to know the whole truth
he instantly resorts to "take your meds" cope


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you will not silence me, shlomo, you know i am right this is why you are mad
it's because i am too close to the truth
you will pay for what you and your kin did to her


you will NOT silence me, KIKE!


shut up retard


Yeah he is pretty retarded. One of the big reasons I won't join them, apart from others, is that their optics are so bad. They aren't respectful, in general, to anyone.


im a jew, umad?


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you will NOT silence me!
you shut up! dogi is a victim of microwave abuse and jewish reptilians fucked with her head!


noone cares


Just die already.


I thought that was happening to me once when I was high. Pretty sure I was just high though.


kike, filthy jewish mamzer mystery meat, how DARE you speak to your Aryan superior in such a manner
i will have you removed from the auschwitz pool THIS instant! no more!


no you wont you ugly cunt LMAO


yes, i will!
no more orchestras and swimming for you, shlomo!


dredd's turgid member lodged FIRMLY in-be-twixt dogisaga's fat, luscious milkers


I hate women and fats


I'd like to watch dogi rape avid until he turns straight


Seriously though, I still don't get what happened to her and her husband. Why did she change her beliefs in an instant after all those years? Anyone willing to explain the autism behind all this? Also, this theory is pretty interesting too >>82229


literally nobody here cares about you goblinsaga, stop samefagging, you skitzo cunt
id cut your fucking head off if you were ever to try that, you fat fucking stupid fucking cunt, although i wont have to worry about that though because you're too broke to afford to fly to the UK in the first place LMAO


>[ - ]


Mental illness.


>you're too broke to afford to fly to the UK in the first place LMAO
your parents would probably pay for the corrective rape, gods know they hate seeing you lick nigggot willies


lets see some milkers, buddy




I demand an explanation.



Mental illness.




No thats you, you fat cow. Kys


Mental illness.


You are mentally ill.


Mentally ill faggot.


Mental illness. Schizophrenic niggerish coon.




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You want an answer on why a crazy person did something crazy?


What crazy shit did she do?


Well? Did she really take buck breaking that seriously?


Who's Eric?
But my question stands, what the fuck did she or her husband do to the point where she lost all her marbles?


i ain't clickin' dat shit, niqqa


Actually, nevermind. Asio cuckling mindgames.
Anyway, I am convinced >>82229 is correct.


Alphabet soup agency nigger.


ITT we got ourselves schizos seeing dogi everywhere and alphabet soup agents not liking that some people actually bother analyzing the situation.
Verdict: she did indeed go crazy because of the kikes and her husband shouldn't have joined any groups, because they are filled with retards and informants.


Did some nonce fed spam while I was asleep or something? Why all the deleted posts?


Someone was breaking the word salad/retardposting rule is all


It was an alphabet soup faggot acting threatening and creepy.


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Sewell is a whore of ASIO. Why would he dox his own members?
>inb4 nobody cares
Well, I do. KYS. It was all a honeypot and an entrapment scheme. I don't know what was her husband thinking when he joined these retards. All of this could be easily prevented if they just stayed independent and they were just doing their own thing and not joining any shitty groups. Nobody in their right mind joins any National-Socialist group in this day and age. Maybe none of this would have happened.


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What the fuck did you do, Dogi?
Why did you pander to a group of complete faggots? And faggots from O9A no less?
Holy shit, RETARDS. Dogi and her husband are FUCKING RETARDED.


Apparently NSN was infiltrated by O9A and Tom Sewell, the retarded subhuman that he is enabled them constantly. They were doxing other National-Socialists too and snitching on them. Dogi and her husband are fucking retards. They are retarded, because they went with this faggotry, especially her husband. Her husband is a fucking RETARD for joining that group.


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Gentlemen, it's one hell of a rabbithole. But none of you care or will look into it.


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What is your bloody problem, you antisemitic nitwit?


she dont visit here no more, she a scared lil honky beeatch
you can holler @ her here https://twitter.com/uncledogi


She won't care or even look into it. She's too far gone at this rate.


No one wants to holler @ them.


I am not making an account on that pozzed shithole just to holler at her, she won't even pay attention to this. Someone from her telegram should bring her in, so she could explain herself. She got involved bottom of the barrel scum.


(s)HE is bottom of the barrel scum. Bio male tranny larping as a woman.


Yup, I totally believe you, obsessed closet faggot schizo. She was driven mad by satanic coons and a honeypot organization her husband joined. It's clear as day. Her biggest mistake was having a twitter and joining discords.


Dog is an aboriginal POC Bio male tranny larping as a woman.


So are O9A faggots. Mystery meat bug-chasing subversive subhumans with prolapses and AIDS.


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Someone, bring the Dogi in please.
She must explain this entire affair.


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high quality thread bump

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