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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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ban dogisaga, I'm sick of the sight of the fat stupid cunt, samefagging and shitting up this place all the fucking time

HDV grow some balls and kick this fat fucking cunt to the curb


I've seen things I never done should have seen


same, fucking gross floppy fat tits, actual nightmare fuel


mod dogisaga

the lulz and butthurt would be teh epicness

>>75488 (checked)
>queers afraid of juicy funbags


fuck off goblin


hi, avid, lick any black willies today?



hey goblinsaga, eat any good cakes today?




ban the goblin HDV stop being a pushover


HDV has no backbone or balls, literal soytier faggot


Come on mane I'm just trying to chill dawg


HDV isn't real.


ban goblinsaga you inept faggot



>spams ban dogisaga several times a day on a dead board
>demands "free speech" and that no one gets banned >>76197
>demands he himself gets banned >>51539

avid can't you channel your autism or whatever mental illness you have to something more productive? richard stallman used his autism to create the GNU Project and Free Software Foundation.


HDV isnotrael


File: 1714869420858.png 454.67 KB, 377x559, rA9NsAwQSjdU.png

>le related image


shut up retard

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