>>76257no, because the incel faggot writers needed to pander to their incel faggot audience
>animeyou sad cunt
She likes him cause he got it where it counts.
>>76263What do you mean by this? are you a woman with small tits by any chance?
>>76272I am a MAN with a huge, girthy, veiny COCK. Avid worships me.
>>76284No meme Krillin is the strongest human in the entire series, canonically.
>>76285I saw a sequence of nu-Krillin in Super going toe to toe with Goku in like a tournament practice setting of some sort and it felt kind of lame to me that they made him that powerful. Just very fan servicey; even though he's my favorite character he shouldn't be allowed to be at a Saiyan's level imho. It just felt like they was wrong fo' dis
>>76312Power levels in super are cape-shit-tier nonsense that fluctuates to be whatever the retard jap autist writing it now wants it to be.
anime is essentially a digital lobotomy
>>76312Bro the God of Destruction and the God of the Universe were overseeing that, they literally nerfed the place so they couldn't fly. They can make their own rules.
>>76286that dude is in so much bara yaoi
>>76320I didn't know the context tbh. Just saw the clip in isolation. "That explains everything"! heh No.76345
>>76336My brother in Christ, the government takes 46,000 dollars in taxes from me and I have to pay a further 3 to 4,000 a year to remain registered in my job, and I have a mortgage that's 5 times my annual salary. I spend most of my time 'adulting' as cringey millennials say. I'd like to grow down tbh.
>>76345nobody cares how much money you have faggot
>>76345Why not just do it then?
>>76346I'm not asking you to cafe I'm just saying literally who gives a shit if you watch anime?
>>76348Avid likes to do adult things, like suck big willies.
>>76349LOL XD
>>76345>the government takes 46,000 dollars in taxes from meAssuming that you make about 100k then, and have 54k left over to live your life, you should still have quite a bit of disposable income.
>I have a mortgage that's 5 times my annual salaryThe total amount, not the annual payment right? Unless you're making double payments I doubt you're spending 56k a year on your mortgage payments.
That leaves food, a car, and other stuff like your medical licence, but you're still pretty loaded.
>>76348Cafe's are good. They have coffee.
>>76263That's truly all that matters.
>>76273You like rubbing it in everyone's faces. No homo.
>>76345That's scary. What's it like living on the edge?
>>76346It's not about the money. It's about his mental health. This is his blog and we're his therapists. Sit down.
>>76348you know what you're right, keep posting about pokemon and anime, it gives me hope that I'm not as fucked in the head as I thought I was
>>76360Phantasm. Stop being mean to yourself.

>you should still have quite a bit of disposable income
I wish. Let's get into why there is a cost of living crisis in my lovely country and state, because why the fuck not.
84k gross income left over. 41,000 of which goes to the principal of the mortgage so far this year + interest, gross.
Leaving behind about 37,000 after registration and membership fees. Then, if I'm lucky, 4,000 come back after tax deductions bringing it back up to 41,000. IF I'm lucky; most people in my tax bracket have owed, so consider that gone
The gas bills total this year have been about 1000. Electricity bills another 1800. Internet bill we'll round down to about 1500. Car registration about 1600. Water bills 1000 so far and it's been about a year.
Then come bills, council rates, car registrations, groceries. Council rates are about 2,500 here.
That means 9400 are gone.
Which, assuming I don't yet anything back from tax, though I hopefully will this year because I had to buy new equipment, leaves me with 37,000 - 9400 = 27600 to spend on transport and groceries per year. Let's assume that I am a good cook, and I am, and be conservative and say I go to ALDI or some shit; a weekly shop there averages about 200 bucks a week; that's 10,400 less, which leaves me with 17,000 dollars a year, approximately. I can't think of anything else, I genuinely don't buy many video games or impulse purchases online. I have the gym, Netflix for goyslop and Spotify, and they're about 1100 or so, bringing us down to about 15-16000 dollars a year provided I literally buy nothing else. This is about 288 dollars a week. And mind you, I'm not even ungrateful. I can't imagine how people who make half of what I do fare getting into the property market or making rent for some slum lord, or how they deal with the cost of living.
>The total amount, not the annual payment right?
Per week, 800 bucks goes to the total amount, which is grossly calculated above.
>>76377I see then. Glad I don't live in Ausfailia LOL.
For all that money you pay in taxes, all you get back is a policeman barging through your door because you said the nigger word online or didn't take a selfie of yourself showing that you were in your lockdown cuckshed. I feel like the abos have it better on their third world tier reservations.
>>76360>Literally the largest and most profitable media franchise of all time>An entire medium enjoyed by people of all ages, with every genre, demographic and art style under the sun that's expanded to be made by other nations, not just JapanHonestly, this is as dumb as calling people peepeepoopoohead because they're 'movie watchers'. I don't even watch much anime, btw.
Next you'll say people are crazy or pariahs for liking Taylor Swift. This isn't the early to mid 2000s fam, Pokemon and anime are mainstream now, you watch and play them with your family.
>>76377I'm so glad that I live in a care home.
>>76381100% agree.
Recently, the council in the Eastern suburbs of Victoria
tried to charge their citizens to remove a tree that they wouldn't cut down, meaning the citizens had to cut the tree blocking the road themselves.
You read that right; they wouldn't cut the tree down that was blocking a major road, so men had to band together to do it,
and they tried to charge them for its removal, stating if they just waited for them to cut it down (it had been MONTHS), they would've done it for free.
This is what people in Australia pay thousands of dollars a year for.
>>76382>it's popular therefore good>other people watch itlol alot of shit things are popular you tiny brained faggot, also I noticed you decided to state that other people watch it so you didn't feel like as much of a retard for watching it, lol, textbook cope
>I don't even watch much anime, btw. watching any anime is cringe and faggoted
>Next you'll say people are crazy or pariahs for liking Taylor Swift. lmao, you can't make this shit up, the fuck is wrong with you
what happened to lifting weights and shit you fucking faggot, you got a fat sow of a wife and positively soy'd the fuck out, although you always have been a stupid little smoothbrain faggot so I guess it's not surprise
>defends anime>defends taylor swift>defends pokemon you're a grade A faggot holy fuck
>>76395>lol alot of shit things are popular you tiny brained faggot, also I noticed you decided to state that other people watch it so you didn't feel like as much of a retard for watching it, lol, textbook copeNo fam my point was that they're not out there, or weird anymore. Hence the Taylor Swift analogy. It seems weird to go full wannabe bully on someone for liking things that are so ubiquitous and also tbh varied, whether they're your cup of tea or not. You're acting as if Megalobox, Berserk or Cowboy Bebop are the same thing as Hatsune Miku or some shit, idk.
Hate Taylor, btw, was using her an analogy, reading comprehension.
I've literally benched my bodyweight watching my favourite anime and video game OSTs before, and have been doing so for 12 years, I'm fucking autistic niqqa. No.76405
>>76401you're not autistic in the slightest
all anime is cringe, if you don't realise this or even notice this you're immature and a complete loser
>>76404I tolerate her on account of the missus, her voice isn't bad perse and when she tries to write ballads they're better but I unironically
dislike her for appropriating Appalachian folk culture and synthwave which I both like a lot, as well as getting someone killed at her concert and being a bad role model for young girls.>>76405Avid, you're spending time on a dead imageboard offshoot of an imageboard that literally was founded on video games and anime subculture. You make no sense. You're like those zoomer tourists on 4chan.
It's like going into the gym, picking up a dumbbell, doing curls and going 'LOOK AT ALL THESE OTHER LOSERS'.
>>76377>say I go to ALDI or some shit; a weekly shop there averages about 200 bucks a weekyep i checked it's accurate
$5.20 for 12 eggs; $52 for 120 eggs$11.49 for 1L olive oil; $57.45 for 5L$3.10 for 2L milk; $12.40 for 8L milk$6.49 for 500g chicken; $194.70 for 15kg chicken$4.19 for 1kg frozen mixed veggies; $33.52 for 8kg$5.29 for 15 vitamin B+C, calcium, magnesium and zinc supplement tablets; $10.58 for 30 tablets't find the price for mandarins/tangerines or any other fruit on the shitty site so you'll consume this, chud)
monthly price for single person: $360.65
double monthly price for the missus: $721.30
your estimated monthly price: $200*4 = $800
>>76406>appropriating Appalachian folk cultureH'when'd dis happen?
>synthwaveH'when'd dis happen?
>getting someone killedShe didn't do anything wrong and death happens.
>bad role modelHow?

>>76408Yeah, and would you believe this is the
cheaper alternative? You go Coles or Woolworths
who have recently been embroiled in a price gouging controversy/war to the point where their CEO 'resigned' (bulllshit, it's a cope to distract you) for their inflation. Fortunately, growing up working class and breaking the middle class barrier has made me good at estimating how much things cost.
>>76409>H'when'd dis happen?She released this as a cash in, and exploited rural and midwestern Americans to get famous. She remained politically neutral until the time came for her to get more billions by endorsing Biden. She's Miley Cyrus, only much more ruthless and cunning.
>H'when'd dis happen?Many songs on Midnights and Lover, for instance heavily musically derive from the synthwave subculture in aesthetic and sound, and she gives them no credit or admits it.
>How?She has had 12 boyfriends and an undisclosed number of exes. She is 34 years old and unmarried with no children. She exhibits borderline personality disorder traits and behaviours and airs her dirty laundry about her lovers on stage and in her songs, inspiring said behaviours in little girls, even before they are ready to date. She knows dysfunctional relationships bring her more songs and money (she's even self-aware enough to admit it in Anti-Hero) and she knows that if she markets said behaviours to her fanbase, they will be miserable enough to continue to listen to her songs about said topics. She allows young children to her show when some of her lyrics are barely a cut above Nikki Minaj or Cardi B, whilst she enacts burlesque acts.
>She didn't do anything wrong and death happens. Don't give me that. She's a literal billionaire. She views her fans as mere pawns to her narcissistic ego. She could have easily made sure her billions were put towards safety protocols and delegated this to her subordinates before she decided to tour in an unsafe, third world country.
I understand that if you're a woman, it's hard to convince you that Taylor Swift is not a nice person and is very much not the 'ethical billionaire' she has marketed herself as towards her fans.
>>76413that's not going to convince her of anything. [redacted] only cares about social proof and nothing else in how she judges other humans. if someone is famous, that means that's a "good" person, end of discussion. she has the same mindset as those freaks to write love letters to serial killers in prison.
>>76408>xing everything by 10 to make your point seem plausible lol faggot
>>76413>exploited rural and midwestern Americans to get famous. Elaborate.
>>76406>"hurry durr 4chan was a anime website"what the fuck is your point here? I post here and on ib's because I like the UI
>>76408>double monthly price for the missusbecause she's fat as fuck?
>>76414[redacted]'s father is famous. You absolute retard.
>>76404taylor swift is a fat nigger
>>76416If you're not a zoomer, and are a millennial, you'll remember when she was up and coming; she literally started her career as a 'wholesome', singer-songwriter in image. Then as soon as she got an original fanbase large enough, and you know what they say, sex sells, she 'reinvents' herself to ditch her 'hick' image.
>>76417You mean the UI which is essentially from 2ch - which still exists - and wouldn't be possible without people discussing anime?
>>76418He forgot shit you don't eat, like toilet paper and detergent and shit.
>>76419just say dwarf you pussy
>>76482I pity the Japanese woman. She must be tormented by the fact that the law does not allow her to slightly change the genetic code of a Japanese and give birth to a daughter with natural blonde hair and wide eyes.
She probably spends a fortune on hair dye in her lifetime.
>>88827nah, her android genes are that GOATed