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Would Thai-Style Boxing Be Allowed in a White Nationalist Society?


It's thai, so presumably not.


In this clown world, absolutely.




Would the Hit Vietnamese Viral Song See Tinh, the One Where She Goes "Ting Ting Tong Tong Ting" Be Allowed in a White Tingtionalist Tongciety?


After several years, I've officially rejoined a Thai Boxing gym to rediscover my ancient, long-dormant warrior spirit, buried as it's been under microplastics and a slop diet.

The only thing left is to figure out how to receive qualified medical treatment without health insurance heh


Holistic doctor heh


>le punchy punchy fight sport



lol punchhurt


>Spent nearly $500 on equipment so far
Ok, maybe this was overkill but hear me out:

Say you have one pair of boxing gloves for $60 and another one for $150. My thoughts are, if the $150 gloves make even a 5% difference between me breaking my hand or wrist or not it's worth the investment, same for the shin guards, mouth guard etc.

I'm in good shape but am genetically cursed with small hands, very thin wrists and forearms, a weak jawline and I'm old with no health insurance on top of all that. I can't really afford to take chances by being frugal from the position of inexperience.

There's the potential that I just dumped a ton of money into functionally identical products too, sure.

Say you have one pair of boxing gloves for $60 and another one for $150. My thoughts are, if the $150 gloves make even a 5% difference between me breaking my hand or wrist it's worth the investment, same for the shin guards, mouth guard etc.

I'm in good shape but am genetically cursed with small hands, very thin wrists and forearms, a weak jawline and I'm old with no health insurance on top of all that. I can't really afford to take chances by being frugal from the position of inexperience.


Brands don't mean anything these days. Should have checked where they were manufactured, ect.


Why not buy health insurance?



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>buy product from store
>return it the next day because it was very bad (the velcro would pull the stitching out on contact)
>they charge me for it again with the new stuff I bought
We used to be a country fr, guess I have to go back to the store again. Fug's sake


My shins hurt lol


lol shinhurt

my back is covered in acne


My shins didn't hurt as bad last night heh, will probably focus on stretching and bodyweight exercises tonight nonetheless so I can heal up for tomorrow.

Brutal. I had acne as a lad including a huge ass wart on my nose that I never dealt with for some reason until recently (even with WEFlation in full swing it was only $200 to get taken care of ffs). I'm showering nightly so hopefully I can stave off the dermatological jew for a time.


my back is fucked, there's always acne on it, I think its due to sitting on chairs, my back being pressed against them causing some form of abrasion or not allowing by back to breathe or some shit


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I am growing stronger heh


Maybe you have an allergy to the chair material. If I touch pleather I break out.


nah, i think it could be something to do with my liver, i hunch and have done for years, i think the compression and lack of space for my liver has resulted in it not being the right size, its a good thing livers can regenerate though, either that or im just high T


Would dat fighting style work well in a street fight or irl fight?


I think combined with defensive wrestling it's much more practical than most others. The "techniques" are somewhat minimal, it's more about just punching, kicking and elbowing sh*t hard as heck and with good form heh


Grapples are gay and everyone knows it! People want to see some Jackie Chan shit where a guy beats some dudes with a mop and bucket or something. Mr. Grapple Grapple would just get the shit kicked out of him while he's on the floor if he were in such a situation, and the floor would be dirty too!


It is gym day my dudes heh


Yo HDewormerV you're an expert on this, what are the cheapest pet dewormers and gastrointestinal antibiotics I can buy (obviously I'll research safe doses)? I can't go to a doctor to get a prescription because they're a waste of time as they'll just dismiss my GI problems I developed a few years ago as IBS and tell me to fuck off.


I'm a big proponent of Black Walnut/Wormwood tincture which is easily procured through vitamin shoppe which probably has a nearby location you can purchase it from. It has anti-parasitical qualities and also cool and or scary hallucinogenic effects heh

It can cause some side effects. When I took it I had VIVID dreams for the first time in years (previously eaten by wormoids presumably) and even waking hallucinations at times. Not all of the side effects are fun though, it made me a bit constipated and *lm mentioned stomach aches iirc.

There's also pure spirits of pine gum turpentine which is potent but also a bit dangerous (don't be r*tarded and overdose or something of course, we're talking very small amounts watered down and mixed with sugar). One thing I worry about with this is I don't think there's too much information on whether or not someone could be allergic to it because-even though it was used for medicinal purposes for a very long time-you're "not supposed to".

I feel like the Black Walnut is a safer bet, and ngl I believe that *lm's exact ailment was IBS and it was cured by it (I'll check with him tho)


Sounds like he went full on Ivermectin actually, though he saw some relief of symptoms as well as the aforementioned unfortunate side effects with the Wormwood.


I'll try black walnut hull supplement and probiotic supplement. The turpentine stuff seems a bit dangerous, isn't that used for paint thinner? Still going to try veterinary fenbendazole, prazaquatal and then ivermectin. Unfortunately it seems veterinary antibiotics require a prescription and it's probably too risky to mess with that stuff anyway even if I could find someone selling it on Tor, so if it is bacterial gastroenteritis hopefully probiotics can eventually fix it.


Turpentine has been used medicinally for a long time. The stuff in the hardware store is different with a lot of chemical additives, if you do turpentine it has to be "pure gum spirits of turpentine" to be exact. Basically direct from the tree heh



New ONE FC Friday Fights, F*ckers!
Will Yodphupa prevail against Sen?


men touching other men is GAY


fucking up your CNS and brain for your own selfish pride fueled needs would absolutely not be tolerated in a WN society


Come on, man!


im right though

on a related note whats your thoughts on the tyson fury horseshit where he lost and usyk got banned because they made up some shit about him using an inhaler mid fight when he was just kissing his crucifix?


Almost thru this, this guy seems to know his stuff

I'm wary of getting involved in any kind of violence tho or even preparing for it



Everywhere I'm reading says he's being forced to vacate the belt on a technicality-specifically the rematch clause he has with Fury. This is one of the problems with boxing. Way too much bureaucracy heh


We need to go back to the good old bare-knuckle days.


Funny you should mention that heh


Damn, niggers are fragile.


New ONE FC Friday Fights, F*ckers!
Will Bald Australian Warrior Jordan Godtfredsen prevail against the Indo-Aryan Iranian Superstar Parham Gheirati!?


New* ONE FC Friday Fights, F*CKERS!
How will the fight between whoever the FR*CK these people are go, huh?


New ONE FC Friday Fights, F*ckers!
Will "Kang" Kongchai defeat the Enigmatic Vagine Hamidi, sirs?


I didn't know these were free to watch. I thought it was all PPV lol.


New ONE Friday Fights, F*ckers!

Nakrob vs. Khalilov

Who ya got!?


Maybe I'll watch it live next week. I forgot it existed again.


New ONE FC Friday Fights (Clip Episode), F*ckers!

I guess because there's a PPV coming up there isn't any new sh*t today. SAD!


New ONE FC Friday Fights, F*ckers!

Will Thai striking star Kongsuk prevail against French-Algerian phenom Joachim Ouraghi?




ONE FC's theme is fricking abysmal btw, actually painful to listen to.

Compare to

Pride FC theme:

Rizin FC theme:

Which are both pretty epic imho tbh

Even the dogshit UFC theme is better:






Ehrm...that's not very nice


Little man is just having a little perpetual temper tantrum all over the place.


Well I hope he heckin' gets over it soon, my gosh! heh

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