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Where did all 4chan oldfags go? 4chan nowadays is full with zoomers, trannies, normies, coomers, cringe shitposters wanabee etc. Even discord servers with 4chan tag at dishboard or advertised at 4chan are like that. 4chan alternatives are even worse and the few decent ones are dead as hell (I can even still see threads I've made months ago).


4chan oldfags are like 30-40 years old. They're out living thier best lives and don't want to interact with zoomers on an imageboard that has nothing in common with how it used to be.


you're implying you know how old all of the posters on 4chan are

youre a skitzo fucking retard


That's some crazy projection, retard.


explain then how you'd know that "4chan nowadays is full with zoomers" then faggot


>4chan oldfags
You're talking to them now.

>living thier best lives


they probably moved to discords or telegram or some shit

the answer to your question doesn't really have a point though, it's kind of a stupid rumination, like asking why it rains or why the sun shines, what would you even do with the answer? let me answer that, you'd sit down, ruminate for 10 seconds then go straight back to thinking of the next dumbfoundedly retarded pointless question


I'm still trying to get my shit together. A recurring loop since childhood. Heck I'll be on my death bed and my last words will be "I'm just trying to get my shit together".


your high-school mindset needs to be broken, unless you're homeless you don't need to 'get it together' that's just a plan that you've concocted so you can eventually feel superior to someone else, grow up, nobody is perfect, stop being brainwashed by instagram and tabloid celebrity faggotry


"Growing up" in general is a scam. Actual adults haven't been a thing in generations, desperate to crab bucket other people into the same miserable, self-serving existence.


These two are not the same, retart.
Tells broken person that they need to break. Um. Okay.
Nowhere was that stated, ever.
>Grow up
They already did.
>Nobody is perfect
Where was the goal of being perfect, stated?
You've lost me.


What the fuck is your problem?



I hope (you) die, very soon.


you're thick as pig shit
shut up twat
fuck off you little mug


>you're thick as pig shit
I didn't ask you to tell me all about myself. All of which is incorrect and I didn't ask for your unsolicited advice.



What a trainwreck of an imageboard, jesus.

Delete this website hdv. Release these imprisoned retards from thier torment.


shut the fuck up phagtasm




"4chan is an anonymous English-language imageboard website. Launched by Christopher "moot" Poole in October 2003"





>they probably moved to discords or telegram or some shit


Have any of you not heard of Frenschan? It's sort of like the new /pol/, i.e. /pol/ closer to 2016-era than today. Though the moderation should be stronger than it is right now imo. Quality discussions are encouraged but there are still garbage posters writing stuff like "didn't read, but...". It also has a zine which has been going for about 2 years but it's really amateurish and not worth contributing to really. A lot of the discussions get boring and repetitive though.


I am awarecof it but I have absolutely no interest in posting on /pol/. Politics are cancer that destroys the mind.


I used to post on frenschan regularly, mostly getting heavily autistic on the subject of theology. I am an aggressive anti-christian poster because it's a s*c psy-op to domesticate g***m

The mods are all tradcath glown**s though and they delete anti-christian posts ruthlessly


Interesting. Most of the * changed into spoilers


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I couldn't imagine a worse place to spend time on the internet than an entire chan dedicating to aping 2016 election-era /pol/ t eeby h


i first used 4chan in 06
i stopped using it entirely around 2012


Pretty much me. Only board I used after /r9k/ and /new/ got nuked was /jp/, but mod intervention and general threads fucked that board up too.


This is exactly why I never used that shithole.




r u le me?


wow you are so cool


I agree, what a cool fella heh


I was being sarcastic


>Have any of you not heard of Frenschan?
Yes, and it's one of these 4chan alternatives that are even worse than 4chan. Also it's made by election tourists that get triggered with anime posters and ban them.


I doubt they even know that Pepe was popularized thanks to /r9k/


Pretty much this. /pol/ ruined 4chan while moot removed based boards like the loli one.


the hell is '/pol/'?


>based boards like the loli one.

kill yourself you shrimp dicked little faggot


I don't really understand your comment, politics is in everything we do

"Used to" post? I thought Frenschan was only a year or so old.


LOL Christians can get annoying. This girl is cute as heck but people like this do seem to go on and on about muh god.



all religioncucks are annoying as fuck, everything has to be super serious with them, religious people are probably all the same in that they all share the need to make everything into this grandiose scenario, weird cucks



>dude my mom thinks it's weird when she catches me fapping to cartoon children. she's totally a pedo heh...


not clicking that


deepweb, discords, snapchats, real life, messenger, steam chat

basically if they didnt decide to live in a cabin in the woods im willing to wager that they simply moved onto to either a more direct form of communication or they ventured on to smaller more niche and better moderated chans, subreddits or group chats, although they could also still be on 4chan they might have just moved on to less tourist boards (/jp/, /g/, /lit/, /k/, /his/, /o/, /biz/ to name a few) also, by that same metric id say its safe to assume some moved onto more tourist boards (/fit/, /mu/, /v/, /a/, /b/)

you could also factor in oldfags trolling by posing as newfags to troll other oldfags/newfags

the fact is, is that 4chan has more posters than ever, 241,112 today compared to a max of 40 odd thousand in just 2010, so they could be there still, but you may have to start viewing pages 5 and up and the bottom of the board page, thats what i used to do, i dont have to really do that now since the implementation of catalog/board search/4chansearch.com

the best way to see if there are oldfags about is to make threads that would garner attention from them, old 4chan screencaps, greentexts, old memes etc.


Frenschan is several years old. They're legitimately either fed tradcath larpers or Trump boomers. Everything fun is banned


>martha, this vasectomy medicine is too spicy! such a turmoil gave me a clinical depression. i am going to relax listening to some tame impala indie music now and doing some government taxes. please don't forget to feed our only sons woofer and pupperino, they are our only pride and legacy, i love them so much.


also something about ordering an authentic hand-made home-decor from etsy


didnt fedschan die already?


>everything fun is banned
like what?


>Pepe server
>Being full with feds and /pol/tards tourists


>the best way to see if there are oldfags about is to make threads that would garner attention from them, old 4chan screencaps, greentexts, old memes etc.
Unfortunately many of the good threads get ignored, especially when they're in crappy boards like /r9k/.


My mom can tell apart fiction from reality, unlike faggots like you


imagine posting on r9k

its literally just BBC bait, troon brainwashing threads and woe is me but no effort made to improve garbage


>they probably moved to discords or telegram or some shit
seems like it. or stop posting at the internet and just using it as lurkers.

>the answer to your question doesn't really have a point though

true but your projecting doesn't have a point either


>imagine posting on r9k
and where else should I post? in every other board you get banned for "off topic" just because jannies hate your posts.


cry more bitch faggot


I told you fags on the old board, I am a legit oldfag.

Don't make me find that 12 year old thread.

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