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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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What happened to our zest for inventing new and interesting things? nowadays we seem to just modify the already existing shit, in the 40's and 50's we were throwing out wild inventions left and right, what happened? I can't stand stagnation and I believe we are in a state of it right now, just perpetual modification of already established inventions.


These things are still being invented. There's thousands of new papers written and patents being filed.

They just never see the light of day. They aren't being marketed. There's no market for new things because the megacorps that own literally everything are pretty happy with the status quo and don't want anything to shake it up. Nobody will give anyone funding for new ideas unless it's in the software field (and even then it's just venture capital scams).


But why?


Niggers happened.


The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


No, niggers were the disaster.


Technology has peaked. We are nearing the limit, and more than anything energy is the bottleneck. Soyence coomers think we can bend physics to our will and invent magic if only we pour all our time and money into it. Fortunately, they are wrong. Much of the tech we have hasn't completely matured, but once it does, that's the end of it.


Niggers are a symptom of industrial society. Otherwise they would be picking our cotton right now.



Ban avid! Kill avid!


for calling you out on your skitzo samefagging?


For being a JIDF saboteur.


>pointing out obvious phone poster skitzo samefagging

you're always calling for people to be banned lol, they never get banned though, I think you're the one who should be banned

also, what about my behaviour in this thread signifies me being a JIDF agent?


>What happened to our zest for inventing new and interesting things?

most of the dedicated electromechanical and electronic shit made in 60s to 2000s is in landfill where it belongs cuz it's just an "app"
cuz an overpowered 8080 derivative and a touch screen is the the everything-machine
that you can attach sensors and spinny motors too huh

but you can take derivatives real fast now and cut and print weird difficult to imagine shapes of all kinds to hyperoptimize ergonomics, heat, fluid and gas flow etc.

construction materials and methods have improved a lot in last couple of decades, you can heat an entire house with your mere presence as well


Ai generated post


Because you were sent here a few weeks ago by the JIDF to disrupt the peace of this board after agent retard ESL poster was having issues.


you know too much, we must correct this, see you soon poster 0-40a


Society is collapsing and with it technological advances. The only tech that's been going anywhere has been towards entertainment and that's been sputtering for the last few years. Smartcars can't keep you on the road, planes are starting to not be able to keep you in the air, basic infrastructure is failing. Over the next few years it'll become more and more obvious. Soon enough, all the things we take for granted will be unobtainable. The hoards of shitskins that will replace us will be too stupid to maintain what we've left behind. It's over.


The plateau is now. Soon we bounce off the cliff.


This is a fantasy. You aren't able to cope with society well, so you imagine that society collapsing. Unfortunately the normie hive seems like it's here to stay.



Nah, it's true, but unfortunately it could take centuries.


Your expectations are unrealistic. There is one world hegemon and this empire is currently in the age of decline.


pseud thread goes NNnnnOoooooooooo...

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