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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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how do i know which pants to wear


Solution: stop wearing pants.


Solution: let mommy pick for you


All of the pants. All of them.


Skinny and slim are for QUEERS. Nobody wears tapered except fat people. Straight if you're skinny, loose for otherwise. You're welcome.


I just bought my first pair of both skinny and slim jeans last week. I've lost 40 lbs since june and I'm kind of a sxe motherfucker rn. no cap frfr.


We are already aware you're a queer though.


I'm not gay.
I'm not into dudes.


it doesn't matter anymore, vanity sizing has cucked the fashion industry, what's a skinny in one brand could be a slim in another, its ridiculous, industry standards when


God damn you are a fat fuck.


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Uniqlo model. I thought for sure male fashion models had to be 6 feet minimum. I should be taking this nigga's job


uniqlo is jap trash, its no wonder the models are 5 foot 10, he's probably wearing an XXL too


I've read uniqlo is only good for the supima cotton t shirts


I was getting pretty round in the middle.
now I'm reasonably fit for a dude my age. 6'1" 188#


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Haven't looked into that supima hocus pocus

I wasn't sure how well this shirt fit - I think it looks a bit odd because of the creases due to the way it was folded. But I think it fits well and I like it. Uniqlo cotton shirt flannel style. I've been looking for something like it for a long time. Something light which I could perhaps wear to the beach. It's not exactly what I want but I like it. It gives off 19th century or Western vibes imo. I like that look and idea iykwim. I think my jeans are getting looser as I get leaner. I'm like 65kg here and have been hovering around 64-71kg for the last few years.

Actually want to model this shirt more.


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This shirt with a somewhat similar style. I like it. I don't really like wearing shorts even though I have...


Meant to say all my tshirts are AsColour, as is my windbreaker.


You're dressed like a waiter.


It's too loose.


you look like a twink faggot


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imagine not wearing pic related


Damn girlfriend you're looking hot! I'll show you some hocus pocus while I focus on your sacred lotus! By which I mean your big fat willie!



I think you must be bluepilled on lighting etc to make that comment


fuck you mean twink


Imagine wearing that and going outside for a walk in daylight tomorrow and not getting murdered in cold blood.


I have no abs. I just looked in the mirror and don't look like henry cavill. Something is wrong. I need to drink more dxm. I've been sober for too long.


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I mean my body is beautiful and I am NOT afraid to show it! I get a fair amount of compliments from family, -was about to say friends but I don't have any- and even strangers or doctors and so on. Often the compliments are surprising because I've looked the same for the last 5 years and I think every man should be lean and muscular (with or without anabolics, though I don't think they're a good idea generally) like me.

You're damn right. Sometimes when I've got high my subconscious seems to take over or something and my hands start gripping my face/jaw/zygos (cheekbones), trying to force my skull to develop more forward growth like our god Cavill


Post willie.


Actually I've looked the same since 2013, mostly, it's just that in these past few years since I started using hallucinogens in late 2017, I've been able to get really lean, and quite easily at that (due to the appetite suppressing properties).


I see no reason to do that, though I WAS open to posting some pics of my testicles because I have an atrophied testicle from testicular torsion and I've had some concerns that it might have affected me hormonally and otherwise its interesting.

But now that I seem to be becoming a very important man I think it might be a good idea to start exercise some restraint sometimes with some matters...


>I seem to be becoming a very important man
What do you mean


shut up retard


I am relatively good looking, fairly intelligent and quite articulate. For these reasons people are paying more attention to me, in terms of what I do and say. If I ever decide to, or are able to release my writings (which for a large part so far I have been working on for myself, to figure out my own thoughts) and/or if I decide to start speaking publicly about my thoughts and ideas, whether they be philosophical or political (though I think everything is political), people will give me a lot of attention, for the better or worse of mankind and/or the White race.

I also think that Whites will return to power later this century, and that - therefore - my own writings and/or actions will be swaying the course of history, and for that reason I'm giving... my thought... a lot of thought, if that makes sense. Some people on the White ethnocentrist imageboard-sphere for all intents and purposes seem to want total nigger death, I don't want that so I'm at odds with them and otherwise I am -genuinely- concerned about the pendulum swinging back too hard in favour of Whites.

Though otherwise the 2 things I care most about are my writing (or art) and my future wife and family. And I think men in general are like that (though tards obviously are just cogs in a machine and never produce great art) and so in that way I'm very much an everyman and can leverage that heavily to the public ("I'm just like you, I want what you want, therefore you should support me")*. Though I genuinely really just want a nice house and land (somewhere with lots of trees) and a wife and children and a place to write or draw or paint or whatever for my own pleasure or self-actualization or something.

Otherwise relating to my writings, I think I've stumbled across a theory which is so damningly convincing that it really excites me. I think I can write a really high quality piece of philosophy. My ideas, to me, are genuinely invigorating, aside from being piercing and insightful.

*It's a rhetorical tactic but I think in my case it's genuine and so it will have a lot of sway


Quite grandiose thinking there champ. Maybe lay off the drugs


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Others have paved the way e.g. BAP and I just found out about this guy 2 months ago, about when he did his face reveal:



I'm a lot like that guy. But shorter, probably quite a bit more intelligent and more rigorous and careful in thought. And subtract roids and add DXM and LSA :D

This hulking Tarzan CHAD is a hair's breath away from openly calling for the expulsion of Jews from the West. What a time to be alive, he is QUITE good optics for White ethnocentrism.


And I'm more articulate. He's a bit loose with his words, but I like his content overall, his stuff might even be directly useful e.g. he talks about the toxicity of polyester, and he made/sells some soap which is massively overpriced but I spent a while trying to find soap or detergent that doesn't harm your skin so much but I didn't know enough chem to figure it out.


I don't want the fame but the fame is COMING TO ME! I just want a wife really



I want to produce such girls. I might even, as my hair is pretty dark brown now but I was blonde as a kid.


>dude look at my sweaty abz cool huh :autistic_stare:


lol I still do piss bottles. You don't see that much anymore.


I look forward to how progressively more depressing this gets.


i'm so alone lol


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(you) have the Internet. You're never alone.


jealous betanigger


dig these oni asphalt raws but they're ambitious pricey


all the german loose fit speed dealer normcore bagginess one could ever want



also when you click on an item it links you to a completely different item



U will neva b Henry Cavill steppin outta da limo with the litghts blazin' papparazzi snappin' bass pumpin', with a huge lantern jaw and wide proud lil' cheeky smile

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