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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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forums, imageboards, social media, chat groups...all of them are so fucking boring now. They're either dead or full with terminally online retards. The only place I still find good is my private discord server. Also the only place I still post at (besides 4chan and YouTube comments).


>terminally online retards.
Using that term is proof in of itself that you are describing yourself.


>They're either dead or full with terminally online retards.
This has always been the case


>every website I use is garbage
pure coincidence


nobody asked you fat fucking retard


hi, dogvid!


kill yourself samefagsaga


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you're a fat ugly cunt


just look at this disgusting fucking monster, actual nightmare fuel


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she got sum juicy funbags doe


The internet is nearing the end of its life, mirroring irl.


You gon die?


you gon' take it in the AYYY'n sun


the way i had things before here, the STATE assigned me these bags of meth to take hold. copy that roger?


how will said Internet die?


no she doesn't, she has disgusting fat saggy weird areola tits

also dogi when are you going to hang yourself live for us to watch


we get it... youre gay and prefer to suck balls

normal men onthe other hand loooove juicy funbags


>juicy fun bags
they're disgusting chimp tits fuck you mean samefagsaga, you fucking fat ugly retard


Normal men are masturbating to whatever those things goblinsaga has.


>>77533 (checked)
dogi has some of the juiciest funbags I have ever seen, my big fat cock is leaking just thinking about them


goblinsaga, nobody here likes you, you're ugly as fuck, stupid and you should leave this fucking website


I'm not dogi... if I was I'd spend all my time masturbating in front of a mirror while sucking my juicy funbags


shut up you fat cunt

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