I hid this shit thread
>'There is none righteous no, not one.'(Saul the Defiler, Romans 3:10-12)
>"That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of innocent Abel to the blood of Zechari'ah the son of Barachi'ah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar." (Jesus Christ our Lord, Matthew 23:35)
>"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." (Saul the Defiler, Romans 10:13)
>"Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven." (Jesus Christ our Lord, Matthew 7:21)
>'For Christ is the end of the law, that every one who has faith may be justified.' (Saul the Defiler, Romans 10:4)
>"Think not that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfil them. For truly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the law until all is accomplished." (Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior, Matthew 5:17-18)
>>77992Jews are actually monotheistic. To a Jew G-d is the one and only source of all things. From Him is emitted both good and evil. He both our savior and adversary. G-d is Satan
To a Christian there exists a world where good and evil fight one another. Jesus is on one team and the dark god of evil is on the other team. Christians practice a weird form of both polytheism and dualism with trinitarian nonsense and their elevation of Satan to omnipresence and omniscience
I feel sorry for you.
>>78018same can be said for you. you're trapped in a 2000 year old semitic lie.
>>78019>but atheism isn't pushed by jews, trust meOh, sweet summer child.
>>78020Another Jewish false dichotomy. Christcuckery is the white man's spiritual controlled opposition.
>>78020Jews hate christ. You know the truth.
>>78038Jews also hate when blacks fuck their daughters
Jews hating X doesn't make X good
>>78067It's funny because I even used to be a christfag. I'm not anything now. I definitely don't think I can say there is no god at all (definitely not the semitic one tho). Some aspects of reality are outside the realm of human comprehension.
JIDF pissing into the wind.
>>78069He can't appreciate it. He's living as a eunich.
>>78076I used to be christfag for a time but came to my senses. I call myself agnostic now but admire European folk traditions. Agree with you that a lot of this stuff is beyond our comprehension. Best to just relax and live life instead of fret over all this religious stuff, you can be religious towards the end of your life if you want but its a waste of time before that
>>78069Where were these girls when I was in high school :/
>>78107>you can be religious towards the end of your life if you want but its a waste of time before thatWhat does religion mean to you, and how does it constitute a waste?
>>78163why pray constantly when you could be out in the world doing
>>78165i'll pray for your salvation
>>78165Each and every action should be composed of worship. The Zen monk Ikkyu used to wear his black monk robes into brothels, because even fucking a prostitute is an expression of the Buddha nature
By dividing the physical world and prayer into two different things you have lost the essence of reality
Two nuns are driving a tiny car through Transylvania at night. Suddenly a vampire lands on their car and starts clawing & biting at the windshield!
Sister Daria, who's driving, says "oh no! Sister Maria, show him your cross!"
Sister Maria sighs, rolls down her window, leans out, and shouts "oi! You! Fuck off!"
>>78183She was showing him how "cross" she was. As in angry. heh
>>78213That doesn't work in text when you can see the grammatic difference between "your" and "you're" though.
>>78220I was going to bring that up myself, missed opportunity I guess heh
>>78220You wouldn't be able to tell if it had been spoken.
hiding this trash
lol neko arc, whatever