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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Rest in piss, your last earthly act was to fail at suicide baiting a gossip website during a quarter-life crisis.




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Byuu aka David Kirk Ginder, begins work on a super-duper accurate SNES emulator in 2004. Done by 2011.

Minor media attention in 2012 for trying to sell $20,000 worth of SNES stuff and for working on something actually useful in technology instead of just letting manchildren play old vidya games

2014, posts "wah I'm depressed" rant/white-man quarterlife crisis on website

2017 - SNES preservation project goes sideways, Byuu hoards electronic copies ("dumps")_of rare games and earns ire of emulator community. Posts some stupid techie rants and makes more people mad at him.

Also 2017 - joins furry community, marking himself as even more mentally ill than the usual hyper-autistic vidya game preservationist

Jun 27, 2021 - notices that a single obscure website has a 13 page thread documenting the drama with him and the emulator community at large.

His first step is to try and bribe the website owner to remove said thread; this is refused for multiple reasons

His second step is to go "WAH IMMA KILL MYSELF"

Website owner gives actual useful life advice and refuses to comply

(part 2 coming later, IRL interrupting)


Wow. Thanks for that. I read it. Have a (you)!


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lolcows are good because they are dead or living warnings and examples of what not to be or what wrong path can be taken and what nightmare fuel path continues to a conclusion of an ending. Also they act as self esteem boosts. Things could be worse at least im not [__________]fill in the blank lolcow.


don't give a fuck, a thread died for this


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Rumor has it, he faked his death.


Part 2

Shortly after June 27, 2021, a 'suicide note' is posted on Telegram along with a single page of Japanese statistics of foreigners dying. These 'sources' wouldn't qualify for my 12th grade english class but are immediately accepted as proof.

2021-4/4/2024 : Byuu is retconned as a martyr (for...what?) who was harassed/bullied/driven to suicide (he wasn't, his thread was lamesauce and had no contact/personal info posted) .

His repeated prior drama and taking do-it-yourself HRT is completely ignored in the process of making an autistic vidya-game expert into a murder victim.

/end hyper-TLDR


admitting that feeding into tranny delusions doesn't actually help them get better mentally goes against the narrative, chud


Another brave trans martryr. Autogynephile sisters, I kneel...
She's playing with big NEL's with the angels now lads...

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