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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1712759509038.png (873.25 KB, 761x1050, nepgear.png)


im actually so tired of trying to date atp but i just want someone who loves me. ironic that im asking an imageboard how to get a bf but its the only option i have left. give me any advice u might have, anything helps.


File: 1712761720554.jpg (74.89 KB, 1024x576, 1712445989872575m.jpg)


Since when did avid become a tranny?


File: 1712761808780.jpg (300.05 KB, 1080x1008, .trashed-1713040035-2ld7m4.jpg)


File: 1712761883847.png (191.64 KB, 703x985, clownmeme-concept.png)

He puts on womens clothing and becomes a SHE. Respect avids pronouns in costume.


ask Google, 4chon is an incel website

you fantasise about that?


File: 1712807932869.jpg (43.27 KB, 714x1000, 51vWa50otgL._AC_UF894,1000_….jpg)

I respect all women.


I don't even know what this shit means but other people are calling you a tranny and that's pretty based if I do say so myself heh


Post ur dick


linkedin dot com is full of IT guys with stable, easy going careers and lotsa mone (relative to the wast majority of wagies) but not a lot of charisma and confidence irl so they'll settle maybe


every site is a dating site if you're indian enough


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