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well well well i see ive returned. where is smiley, steadmen, and tiktok? rip whatever his name is that blew his head off. good times playing gw2.


They died years and years ago man.



He hasn't been seen since like 2013 or something LOL.


Strawman showed up a while ago but most oldheads who peek in here usually don't stick around too long.

Current roster of elders is:
HDV (that's me lol heh)
There might be a few more but most are posting as anon now in either case


rip i miss them
i dont remember any of these fuckers


>i dont remember any of these fuckers

gtfo here newfag


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dogisaga isn't an elder


newfag roster for newfags kys!


whatever newfag, prove you're an oldfag then


Yeah, post your big willie op!


prove you're an oldfag too


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Um, well...



NEL is from 2019 newfag, post something actually old


i already did. who the fuck else is gonna know the people i posted about you fuckhead!


the only person you posted who is an oldfag is phantasm


the rest are newfags, mention actual oldfags



those were all trash posters

>"wow magic omg btw I love (insert literally any female that happened to stumble upon 4chon) btw guys magic book reading shitty nightcore"

>"gas the kikes, guys look I post alongside a picture of a metal retarded looking robot from the wizard of oz lore, finna fill my bath up with water because there's going to be a terrorist strike at the Olympics"

>"guys like totally gas the kikes amirite, I put up some fuck the niggers posters around my campus, I also totally trolled those fuckers on that one colleges forum, guys I'm racist btw"


If you don't have steel.info stickers you're a newfaggot.


OP has total nigggot energy

gas him immediately


Newfags are GOOD and WELCOME!


fuck off newfag


>smiley, steadmen, and tiktok
Smiley got drugged to shit. Steadman became a normie. Tiktok got stabbed by some Muslim.


His victims all were BRAINWASHED to be standing chess pieces for master. Each and every one was a pig and knew what they were getting into.


Tiktok never lived down the bathtub incident.


tiktok got stabbed? source?

kill yourself faggot




lol yeah but i still remember there retarded shit. Smiley was a fag but steadmen was alright.


figures that is how it would end up for them.


Esoteric messages from the 5th dimension.


i fart n it smell of shit


wew lad teach me these methods


Sure let me just go ahead and mail them to you over the astral sea.




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