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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>no social media (besides twitter I only use as a lurker for art)
>no r*ddit, TikTok etc
>no posting at forums
>only posting at dicord (only to my own small servers) and 4chan
>still terminally online


I hate the internet, but there is nothing else to do. Most people who claim to have an active social life are lying sacks of shit. They just wagecuck all day and do chores when they're not at home.


they're less lying and more exaggerating, an average norm might attend a social event once every 2-4 months but still talk like its a constant thing


Discord and 4chan are social media.


>no social media, tick tok, gram
>one reddit account that was shadowbanned after first post so only browse
>dont use any forums
>only post on 2 imageboards, sometimes look at others
>dont use 4chan
>not logged into youtube
>dont watch tubers
>not a cordnorm


Image boards are the only "social media" I use.
Sounds about right.


Wtf is cordnorm?


Condoms go over hard benus.

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