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anyone here good with CSS? trying to make my endchan board look based

specifically I want the following
>remove time and date on posts
>remove image filenames on posts
>remove image dimensions on posts with images attached
if at all possible to be able to do this I'd appreciate the codes

also would maybe like to tweak the board colours (post background, post text colour, main board background, borders)

thanks in advance


why not just ask hdv for a /trash/ board where you can spam whatever you want other than anything illegal


nobody wants to help you with your gay porn forum, avid


If you right click in your browser and select "inspect" or "inspect element" it will show you the code and give you a good idea how to mess with it heh


shut up retard nobody asked you
you are gay
ok cheers ill do that


i did that got the line and ctrl f into the theme wordpad i have but its giving no results


fagvid failing at basic gay porn forum maintenance lmao


fight me retard


ok but don't get a boner


..but that's exactly why they want to fight. You want that though.


id knock the absolute piss out of you

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