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Today is my 33rd birthday.
Earlier this week I found out that my grandmama (whom'st've has always been very dear to me) was diagnosed with late-stage cancer and the thought of her potentially passing away any day now has been haunting me ever since. S-so much for having a happy birthday...


Happy birthday for what it's worth.


Thanks anon.


Happy birthday and my consolations for your grandma. Was she jabbed?


Thank you.
And yes, multiple times. Gotta do what the TV says, gnomesayin'?


I know that feel. Watched mine die over a whole month in the hospital in excruciating pain or doped up with morphine, either way having great difficulty with even basic communication. It was well over a decade ago, but I still think about her a lot.

Anyway, happy birthday.


Fenbendazole can easily cure most forms of cancer, but not, I suspect, zombie cancer

May your grandmother attain higher rebirth


Happy birthday anon. May God bless you and your grandmother and bring you comfort in these troubling times. I’m so sorry to hear of this news and will be praying for you both.
I can relate a little bit. My wife’s grandma was also diagnosed with a rare and very aggressive brain cancer about six months ago and has (as far as they can tell) completely resisted a chemotherapy treatment (she was also jabbed multiple times). It’s really hard seeing someone you love slowly get eaten away by this horrid disease. I suggest you spend as much time with her as you can even though it may be hard to. And pray a lot. For real, it will help I promise


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Thanks for the good wishes anons, I appreciate every single one.

Here's my exquisite birthday feast heh. Never tried Domino's before so it seemed appropriate.


Better than the lunchables I had during mine lol.


pepperoni is an f tier topping


Apricot seeds cause apoptosis of certain cancer cells in vitro. Even pubmed articles as of last year are starting to admit this. I hope everything turns out okay anon; here's hoping for a future of Total Cancer Cell Death


Based. Dominos is actually pretty good these days heh


imagine eating pizza


Post the article


Might get what (you) got. I want the full order request.

What kind of za did (you) order?


Medium Pepperoni piddzer with extra cheese, and a refreshing can of Monster Zero Ultra, the sip of choice for boomers everywhere.


the only good pizza shop choice would be a margherita or garlic bread with cheese, anything else is oil filled heartburn inducing trash, standard garlic bread is good too, ham and pineapple pizza is unironically good also, chips from pizza shops are usually good aswell as theyre cooked in oil that has been used to cook other fried foods, adding to the flavour, i dont dominoes, its overpriced as fuck, like dude its pizza, the base ingredients are about 5$ so the rest is just capitalist pig markups, my local pizza shop is cheap, has been around for years and its always good food because the people who work there have been there for years, its not some rag rag group of zoomers working there half assedly during their uni stint

ill add, an 8inch pizza is the patrician size, anything bigger and youre just pigging out

also why the actual fuck are you drinking monster? bro just make a cup of black coffee

all this said i havent ordered pizza in years, i did however eat a kebab and chip butty with garlic sauce a few days ago, was alright, the garlic sauce didnt have oregano in it though (oregano added to garlic sauce instantly raises it to god tier) i find with greasy foods, they have less flavour, it seems as though the grease coats my tastebuds, hindering my ability to taste, i had a fiveguys burger a while back and it had literally zero taste



>The case started when a 67-year-old retired Australian man who came to a hospital for routine surgery baffled his doctors with the low blood oxygen levels. He was in remission for prostate cancer and otherwise seemed to be healthy. The man told his doctors that he even biked 50 miles a week.

>The man was not trying to slowly poison himself, it turns out, it was rather the opposite—he had been eating apricot kernels and kernel supplements for the past five years in a bid to help keep his prostate cancer in remission, reports Alessandra Potenza for The Verge. The seeds inside apricots that resemble almonds have been trumpeted as a miraculous natural cure for cancers. The toxicity of the cyanide supposedly kills off the cancer cells. But that is not the case, reports Potenza. The poison is just as toxic to healthy cells as it is to cancerous ones [note: tell that to all the people brought to the brink of death by chemo you fucking faggot].

>The apricot kernels themselves don't have cyanide in them, but upon digestion the body converts a compound called laetrile into the poison. And despite the claims of some natural health practitioners, no existing studies have been found that meet scientific standards for proving that laetrile actually helps combat cancer, reports Rae Johnston for Gizmodo Australia.


tl;dr: A near 70 year old man goes into the hospital for some unrelated procedure and the doctors try and claim he's killing himself by continuing to eat the seeds he'd been eating for the past five (as of this article's publication) cancer-free years because they don't like the arbitrary numbers in the tests they'd subjected him to.




Look into Jason Vale and make a special note how histrionic the language in the articles written about him and his mom is.

>Rather than treating their condition and possibly extending their lives, or increasing the quality of their remaining life, they are given a cruel false hope that ultimately leads nowhere and sometimes actually hastens their demise. Scammers offering "miracle cures" also sometimes bankrupt patients or their families with expensive fake treatments.


The seeds aren't necessarily cheap but they're definitely not bankrupting anybody and they're not killing anybody either. It's typical media sleight of hand.

Kanematsu Suigura is a researcher of note here so look into him


>The claims that laetrile or amygdalin have beneficial effects for cancer patients are not currently supported by sound clinical data. There is a considerable risk of serious adverse effects from cyanide poisoning after laetrile or amygdalin, especially after oral ingestion. The risk–benefit balance of laetrile or amygdalin as a treatment for cancer is therefore unambiguously negative.[3]

>The authors also recommended, on ethical and scientific grounds, that no further clinical research into laetrile or amygdalin be conducted.[3]





This is also true heh
>Fenbendazole is dog dewormer

Cancer comes from parasites. Inflammation from wrigglin', jigglin' wormoids!


The answer to cancer is TOTAL WORMOID DEATH!


>total wormoid death

i fucks with this sentiment


How's gram-gram, lad?



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