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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1714604145694.png 1.53 KB, 350x200, oie_HCrkb3lUIFU3.png




File: 1714604984042.jpg 400.92 KB, 938x660, stayvun lan party.jpg


File: 1714614796409.jpg 13.29 KB, 320x240, oie_UiDZEBUvmmVU.jpg


File: 1714618313473.webp 47.37 KB, 1080x1142, Screenshot_20240502_035131….webp


File: 1714618769052.mp4 6.86 MB, 854x480, Murder_Niggers_Monday_1.mp4


File: 1715015340573.mp4 6.83 MB, 634x788, matthew-c-harris-title-and-….mp4


File: 1715302895289.mp4 2.87 MB, 640x360, amzimor.mp4


File: 1715536163642.png 19.96 KB, 596x193, 5972084-97c9457556b369cc4ec….png



link to tweet?



i fucking hate these creatures so much


File: 1716522454111.mp4 1.23 MB, 854x480, skibidi biden.mp4

LOL! 🤣🤣


saw that linked on tv earlier and really wish i hadnt


just live laugh love


Boomer media can deal such incredible psychic damage without even trying





What the fuck is this?


Segment from Late Show with TWO SCOOPS?! about the Biden administration looking for a "meme page" manager for his campaign site or something.


this is raw cancer


thas p good


no its not


File: 1716722238214.jpg 150.65 KB, 914x1200, 1716701536674137.jpg


File: 1716746442670.png 356.01 KB, 891x900, 1716729101718009.png


File: 1716751849877.webp 98.59 KB, 1440x932, Screenshot_20240526-143023.webp


File: 1716870460093.mp4 2.92 MB, 720x502, queer fat club.mp4


File: 1716870482995-0.jpeg 918.29 KB, 1170x1395, IMG_4295.jpeg

File: 1716870482995-1.jpeg 1.01 MB, 1170x1421, IMG_4298.jpeg

how could that happen


It's over.
Also probably controlled opposition/psyop. The Libertarian party itself isn't real lol heh


nothing in this thread is funny
abysmal, microdick foky would find this funny and nobody else


I miss Ron Paul. I miss 2010.


From Ron Paul to RuPaul


from deJenny/vag00 to goblinsaga


>lush gag defines what's funny

stalker rapist freak


>stalker rapist freak

literally how


waiting on a response


File: 1717282432393.mp4 494.3 KB, 854x466, You Cry, You Lose.mp4



File: 1717282925458.webp 89.14 KB, 1391x1720, Screenshot_20240601-175823.webp


File: 1717282989308.webp 53.28 KB, 1440x625, Screenshot_20240601-180244.webp


File: 1717283251775.webp 108.59 KB, 1344x2031, Screenshot_20240601-180701.webp


File: 1717283342480.webp 192.8 KB, 1440x783, Screenshot_20240601-180835.webp


this is a YLYL thread retard


File: 1717295809693.webp 119.22 KB, 1440x1398, Screenshot_20240601-213629.webp

If (you) don't regularly laugh at Jordan Petersons life that's





no your problem eh?

this another 2 minute fad spam of a shitty meme again methboy?




File: 1717297150470.webp 77.44 KB, 1440x1258, Screenshot_20240601-215832.webp


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File: 1717435642410.webp 62.7 KB, 1192x2239, Screenshot_20240603-122420.webp


File: 1717504664190.png 677.85 KB, 864x854, 1717478419891837.png


lol is this based off of a real world event


File: 1718034078662.mp4 2.77 MB, 480x852, God Bless the U.S.A..mp4





File: 1718681911084.jpg 96.13 KB, 700x958, hwhite-pride.jpg


the true right wing white nationalist american-born patriot twitter accounts with meme and videogame references to tell you about benefits of warm-water ports for texas independent oblast


what are you talking about?


File: 1718737368698.webp 63.75 KB, 1080x1743, ia8bwia58ygc1.webp

dunno just gay glownigger things
twitter is full of pajeets paid to larp as hwite merican nationalists so you never know


i'm sure they've mastered the dark blonde sunglasses and dress-shirt wearing americn a.tate-sque rhetoric texas hwite nationalist character with the help of english-grammar gpt



they are rational dark triads. probably both accounts managed by a small brown 19 year old dominican guy paid by somebody via paypal


ery twitter post is some sort of a psyop i never go there


File: 1719070173165.webm 2.48 MB, 1280x720, shartmart vs niggers.webm


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guys stop posting these i am laughing too much, i actually cant stop laughing help me


stop necrobumping several threads in a row with shitposts that haven't been replied to since last year or you're getting a range ban. go do that in your own containment board or ask hiv for a 1-page /trash/ where you can spam whatever you want


i doubt making another board would contain him


bro the threads are all shit anyway, what discussions are being buried?

exactly, none, just retards talking about retarded shit

range ban me now


mayonnaise shetland ponies(USER WASN'T BANNED FOR THIS POST)


don't play dumb, you just revealed you wanted to "make this board as unusable as possible with shitposts" to drive people to your board


where did i admit that?


u're mum told me last nite




how much do you weigh now goblin? bet you get out of breath walking


Simplier times.


File: 1719409626946.mp4 75.91 KB, 626x626, message to america.mp4


File: 1719581370581.jpg 303.12 KB, 1080x1237, 1719557967078671.jpg



I wish Trump was as cool as people like this make him sound.


Really. Of course, when you point out how he isn't like that, MIGAniggers screech about how you're either dumb for wanting orange Hitler or a leftist who secretly likes jews and is just pretending to be a right-winger in order to D&C. Somehow it doesn't matter his family is married into jews, or that he sucks Israel's mutilated cock nonstop or that he cried on the holy sad wall while wearing a funny little hat.

So far, the "wall" is 700 miles of fence instead of ~2,000 miles of WALL. For all his ranting about the out-of-control migrant invasion at the debate, I'd bet the situation won't be meaningfully addressed either through policy change or building more border security infrastructure after another 4 years. It goes without saying, for better or worse, voting doesn't matter since the only "viable" candidates will always be bought by various (((special interests))) that mostly overlap.


File: 1719599017486.webm 2.34 MB, 480x852, thomas massie on AIPAC.webm

death to the great satan and the little satan



File: 1720090652979-0.mp4 1.82 MB, 270x480, b2525cc3bfcf6e401237f4600c4….mp4

File: 1720090652979-1.png 100.13 KB, 174x228, Laughing Swedish roastie no….png


Damn zoomer humour bad


File: 1720126858090.jpeg 6.47 KB, 189x267, images.jpeg


This album had me laughing so hard I pissed myself. Laughing so hard my sides hurt. Listen to the whole thing its hilarious


in california, US you are obligated to let homeless people live in "your" house if they are able to get in


what happens if you steal their key lock the doors and throw their belongings out the window?


File: 1721318091022.webm 2.85 MB, 720x1080, when the costume comes off.webm


he looks like LA beast in that thumbnail lol


File: 1721502364162.mp4 1.02 MB, 720x1280, Snapinsta.app_video_D14EE40….mp4


I'll forgive just about anything if his willie's big enough


Didn't Earn It (DEI)



File: 1721964791418.jpg 84.02 KB, 1024x709, 1721958573681118.jpg


i have aids guys, im just a giant aids riddled faggot


no such thing as aids bro


stunning and brave

dubs confirm, (((fauci))) made up aids for pharma profits

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