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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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It's almost impossible for me to post on 4chan now
>cloudfare never gives a captcha
>after 10 minutes it finally connects
>4chan tells me to wait "a while" before making a post
>60 seconds pass
>returns me once again to broken cloudfare captcha
Shadowban? Maybe something even more nefarious


try using a different browser


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Exact same thing for me. I think there's a reason postcounts have slowed down so much.

Ironically the bots can bypass these filters effortlessly. It's just to encourage you to buy a pass.


>It's just to encourage you to buy a pass
No. It's a trap that's slowly constricting around the intended targets


I'm looking on 4plebs for an image with the quote "shills don't like this image" which was verbatim but the post was nuked. It was a declassified FBI document about using radical catholicism as a honeypot for extremism. I should have saved it but figured I could track it down on the archives whenever I needed it


noone asked


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Not OP but 4chan treats certain browsers like Brave Browser as VPN or whatever and ban you


cry about it bitch faggot


hiding this thread

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