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File: 1715823808068.mp4 5.6 MB, 576x1024, yellow stimboard.mp4

 No.80543[View All]

This is the comfy ASMR thread
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It's mostly fake through editing tricks (watch how he never swallows) and using home-made food substitutes with food coloring.



pedo thread


File: 1727309795939.mp4 327.03 KB, 600x1066, ezgif-3-9a1170d4b6.mp4

No reaction my ass. Vid related, him reacting.



Luke could h'whip yo scrawny li'l meth-injected anglo azz


i doubt that


also im not a meth hea, i dont do any drugs besides i guess caffeine, you stupid fucking slab of shit retarded fucking loser


>dudebro grifts off retarded normalfag nigger cattle and makes lots of shekels off mentally handicapped ADHD cucklings


buzzwords andy is at it again


ASMR sped up restoration videos are a different kind of shit





File: 1727925180707.webm 3.88 MB, 360x640, jewish asmr.webm



She never swallows. She does the same trick as LukeDidThat. Otherwise they'd be as fat as Nikocado.


File: 1729650248759.mp4 12.11 MB, 576x1024, chocolate stimboard.mp4


Wrong. She swallows multiple times.


Apparently Non Non Biyori got official ASMR. Didn't know that was even a thing. They should make ASMR tracks for stuff like Yuru Camp, Aria and maybe even something for Lain using sounds like constant low humming interspersed with occasional, quiet beeps and read/write noises.


She never swallows



Wish they hadn't added music.


You can watch them on SoapYulya's channel



>Soap balls.Crushing roses.ASMR soap cubes by Asmr Bomba


This girl actually swallows. She doesn't fake it.


Why do f*moids like fake nails? I grow mine out sometimes just because I am lazy about hygiene, but I always cut them if they get too unwieldy.


File: 1729816114164.jpg 161.77 KB, 608x348, wigs.jpg

Nothing new at all. Homo sapiens have always followed trends in their respective cultures to signal status or so-called "individuality." For example in the 18th century most people in the cities of Europe and New World colonies wore powdered wigs or supplemental hairpieces as it was seen as high status, and is said to have been popularized by the kings of England and France who started wearing it first, followed by aristocrats and then everyone else.

In the 1980s and 1990s, acrylic nails became popular and were often shown in "chick flicks", which was also the time when "chick flicks" were invented. Girls grow up seeing this movies, shows or other women, saying "Mommy I wanna be cool or sexy just like that sassy girl on TV, can you buy me these nails?" A lot of fashion fads from the 80s and 90s died pretty quickly, but this one survives.

In East Asia a lot of women wear those creepy-ass circle lenses to increase the size of their irises and add a prominent limbal ring.


Really hate the uploader's face, but this is very relaxing.


ASMR has some weird people in it. I hate when I go to some broad's channel after not listening to her videos for awhile only to find she nuked it from orbit.


That's why you got to download the files and put it in a 📂📁 you're welcome.


Just never expect it to happen, heh.


Expect. Those who don't learn about their PAST r bound to repeat it in the future.


Women are temporary. Should always expect her to disappear all of a sudden.


It's YouTube. Nobody is real on YouTube. It's entertainment. Live. Laugh. Love.


This was the first ASMR video I saw and it's still up after all these years, though the uploader hasn't posted anything else for over ten.



hi, wiglaf!


Always found this guy's voice calming


>Men in my ASMR video


Not a big deal if you aren't a coomer. They seem to take it more seriously than women on average. I honestly hate women who don't edit out loud noises or are straight-up obnoxious because horny guys give them a pass for looks.


Another attractive woman who puts effort into her videos.


This remains the only asmr vid I genuinely enjoyed to this day.


She'll do anything for a line of moon sugar.


men just do it better honey


This one's good. When she taps her leather corset. unf


I am so tired of foids and vagina-worship I unironically support this.
not avid btw


It's not gay if you're on top anon.


File: 1736787062663.jpg 883.35 KB, 2894x2412, Tomoe and Nanami.jpg

It's not gay at all, because overrepresentation of women in the media is a serious threat to equality among the sexes and breeds mentally ill cumbrains. For every male, there must be a female. For every female, there must be a male. That applies to media too. Just as nature intended.


It's not gay as long as the balls don't touch.


Another good female uploader. Her Russian videos are brain-melting (for me anyway, since I can't understand the language).


goofy ahh

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