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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>be me at discord
>I'm a straight guy
>usually having cutesy anime or anime loli avatar
>decide to change into an anime lewd avatar
>suddenly get DMs and friend requests from random thirsty people

aaaaand back to the anime loli avatar


c'monn MAN! theyy'll J3RKK yuo OFFF


A loli avatar is typically a representation of a man's anima, as such only highly masculine chads use them

Any other female avatar used by a man denotes only mental illness and demonic lust, which in turns attracts demons


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all of these are faggot behaviours, the fact that youre trying to cope by implying they arent tells me everything j need to know about you


hiding this shit thread


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Most likely non-self-inflicted natural extinction events for Earth-derived life

1. Asteroid or Comet Impact

Time Range: Any time, but significant impacts are statistically expected every few million years.
Details: Large impacts (like the one that caused the dinosaur extinction 66 million years ago) can cause mass extinctions by triggering climate change, fires, tsunamis, and blocking sunlight.

2. Supervolcanic Eruption

Time Range: Hundreds to thousands of years.
Details: A supervolcanic eruption, such as the one that formed the Yellowstone caldera, could lead to a "volcanic winter," drastically affecting global climates and ecosystems.

3. Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB)

Time Range: Thousands to millions of years.
Details: A GRB within a few thousand light-years could strip away the ozone layer, exposing life to lethal levels of ultraviolet radiation from the Sun.

4. Nearby Supernova

Time Range: Tens of thousands to millions of years.
Details: A supernova occurring within about 30 light-years could have devastating effects on Earth's biosphere, including increased radiation and potential damage to the ozone layer.

5. Magnetic Field Reversal

Time Range: Thousands to millions of years.
Details: While the Earth's magnetic field does reverse periodically, a prolonged weakening could expose the surface to higher levels of solar and cosmic radiation, which could affect life, though likely not cause extinction.

6. Loss of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Collapse

Time Range: Ongoing, with potential for critical points within hundreds to thousands of years.
Details: The interconnected nature of ecosystems means that significant disruptions can lead to cascading failures and collapse, threatening large portions of life.

7. Sun’s Increasing Luminosity

Time Range: 1 billion years.
Details: As the Sun ages, it gradually becomes more luminous. In about a billion years, the increased heat will cause Earth's oceans to evaporate, creating a runaway greenhouse effect that will sterilize the planet.

8. Sun Becomes a Red Giant

Time Range: 5 billion years.
Details: Eventually, the Sun will expand into a red giant, engulfing the inner planets, possibly including Earth, or at least rendering it uninhabitable.

9. Milky Way-Andromeda Collision

Time Range: 4-5 billion years.
Details: The predicted collision between the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies could disrupt solar systems, potentially destabilizing Earth’s orbit or exposing it to increased cometary bombardment.

10. Heat Death of the Universe

Time Range: Trillions of years.
Details: Long after the stars have burnt out, the universe will approach a state of maximum entropy where no usable energy remains, effectively making life as we know it impossible.


>be smiley
>smoke meth
>gradually become pedo


>at discord

Do zoomers really speak like this? How many skibidi toilet have you watched OP?

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