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 No.80596[Last 50 Posts]




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Yet our ancestors ate food that was so salty they had to soak it before it could be consumed, while the prevalence of heart disease has only gone up despite the war on salt over the last few decades, curious.


>the war on salt
I can't. Congestive heart failure, heart attack, strokes....
>Our ancestors
U wuz kangz n queenz n sheeiiit?


It causes urinary retention/bloating/fluid retention. I just don't see any compelling reason to add salt to Ur diet. Intuitively a bit doesn't seem or feel that bad though so I don't specifically try to cut back e.g. on chicken salt or sodium in dips or sauces etc.

I always get bloated after (from) surfing, even when I try not to swallow any water. I know because I take my wetsuit off in the bathroom and look at my body


Japanese eat more than twice the amount of salt Americans do, and they're healthier on every single metric


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File: 1715963138294.png 502.41 KB, 1080x1246, salt study.png

>The most recent survey of global salt intake shows that no area of the world conformed to either the AHA or the WHO recommendations for salt restriction. The central Asian region had the highest salt intake, followed closely by high income Asia Pacific region including Japan and Singapore. The Japanese diet is notoriously high in sodium with copious use of soy sauce, miso and pickled vegetables. The Japanese themselves seem to suffer no ill effect as they have the world’s longest life expectancy at 83.7 years. Singapore is third in life expectancy at 83.1 years. If eating salt was really so bad for health, how could the world’s longest lived people also eat one of the world’s saltiest diets?

>The concerns of a low salt diet started in 1973, when an analysis found six where the average blood pressure was low despite a high-salt diet. For example, the Okayuma, consumed more salt than most nations today (up to 3 1/3 tsp per day), and yet had some of the lowest average blood pressures in the world.

>In some cases, blood pressure actually decreased as salt intake increased. For example, North Indians consumed an,average salt intake of 2 ½ tsp per day (14 grams) or but maintained a normal blood pressure of 133/81 mmHg. In South India, average salt intake was about half that of North India, but the average blood pressure was significantly higher at 141/88 mmHg.


File: 1716053990491.webp 60.39 KB, 1440x1632, Screenshot_20240518-123837.webp

>Posts asshole for whole world to see.
The only thing you need to know is that she accidentally showed the entire internet her butthole.



File: 1716054231586.webp Spoiler Image, 38.41 KB, 1440x1119, Screenshot_20240518-124329.webp


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File: 1716056522508.mp4 3.59 MB, 358x78, ezgif-2-81a5900b27.mp4

H'what ever.


leave this site you non contributing faggot


File: 1716064922128.mp4 2.66 MB, 640x360, let_it_go.mp4

This video is for (you).


File: 1716065290005.mp4 13.41 MB, 640x360, levato.mp4

Demi lavato has triggered (you). DL is a sex haver. Showing her butthole for you to see because that's what confident people do.


what are you talking about?


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In the United States of America it's popular for people to display their buttholes to show their high level of confidence.



they dont display their buttholes though


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Buttholes are just the American way.


post evidence


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KonoSuba is such fetish shit, though I kinda like all the shots of Aqua ass-up in her short skirt.


thats not evidence


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Oooooh that's some 'X' rated shit.


File: 1716081532637.mp4 Spoiler Image, 742.2 KB, 720x1280, bvolkc.mp4

Here's some evidence.


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you said it was popular, post a couple more examples to cement your ideation please


What's with you and male anuses, gaybuttholevid?


just do as i said or your point is invalid


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Friendly reminder that salt is good for blood pressure,


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>Excessive salt consumption is the main cause of hypertension
No it's not. Even mainstream doctors are now saying sugar (and carbs) is the main culprit.

>reducing sodium intake could save 7 million lives by 2030
And you could "save" those 7 million lives plus at least aonther 100 million if they reduced carbohydrate and sugar intake.


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Op is trying to troll 4chonners into high sodium related deaths. Prove me wrong.


How much excessive salt is bad for you is hotly contested. The problem with sodium consumption studies is the results are not reproducible. "Linkage" does not prove causation.


This is not the case for sugar consumption studies and their effect on blood sugar where the results are always reproducible. You could measure your blood sugar right now with an at-home kit, eat sugar or carbs right now and measure your blood sugar 15min - 2hrs later and you'll see your blood sugar levels have spiked up. You cannot do the same for salt consumption followed by measuring your blood pressure, the results are always inconsistent. Having high blood sugar levels for too long causes atherosclerosis which clogs (and therefore narrows) your blood vessels, causing hypertension / high blood pressure. That last part is theoretical, just like claiming "salt increases the pressure of blood against blood vessel walls" (there's no way of proving this), but I'm more inclined to believe blood sugar, like many other doctors who disagree with the WHO's edict, is a more likely cause of hypertension than excessive salt intake.


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Your google screenshots and (((CDC))) (((studies))) are garbage. I have already provided countless unbiased studies on the topic of sodium intake here -> >>80793

You demonize a mineral essential to life because your small, twisted mind cannot escape the sunken cost fallacy

To all doubters here, take 1 teaspoon of salt in the morning with 16-24oz of water. Return in one week and report how you feel

Remember, the same people demonizing salt also recommend that you take a poisonous injection for a meme flu. These organizations are obviously malicious and have only evil intentions for your health


I have always intuitively felt positive about salt but not for any rational reason, I just love and crave the taste of salt. I add tremendous amounts of salt to stuff and ppl are concerned by this but my blood pressure has always been exactly where it is supposed to be.

In fact I lost a bit of weight for a while and wasn’t eating any salty stuff and I started to feel low blood pressure like dizziness when I stood up. Anything savory, salty, or pickled is so rewarding to eat, and I feel it must be better than sweet stuff

This is just an anecdote and I’m not ur avg Joey so take it with a grain and each persons diet can need different corrections


D-word-chan please stop spamming several posts in a row of unrelated stuff in L-word-san's threads next time or they will be deleted. You made him not a happy camper from the reports. You could've made a separate thread for Demi Lovato whoever that is and showed Avid images of buttholes there instead.


The other characters are a 14 year old that flirts and bathes with the MC (her parents also make them sleep together in the movie because the MC is rich at that point) and straddles her staff and orgasms when she gets to cast her signature spell, and a MMO tank-archetype whose entire depth of personality is having a severe masochism fetish. So yes, kids probably shouldn't watch it.


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I'm in the process of downing a whole bag of large takis. I haven't eaten anything else today. It comes up to 1500cals no, I won't eat anything else. Am I doing good, op?


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When I go on unhealthy binges, I make sure I don't wind up on "my 600LB life".


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(((They))) teach their own tribe that salt is sacred. (((They))) teach you to not eat salt

>You shall season all your grain offerings with salt. You shall not let the salt of the covenant with your God be missing from your grain offering; with all your offerings you shall offer salt. (Leviticus 2:13)

>Then he went to the spring of water and threw salt in it and said, “Thus says the Lord, I have healed this water; from now on neither death nor miscarriage shall come from it.” (2 Kings 2:21)

>You shall present them before the Lord, and the priests shall sprinkle salt on them and offer them up as a burnt offering to the Lord (Ezekiel 43:24)

>All the holy contributions that the people of Israel present to the Lord I give to you, and to your sons and daughters with you, as a perpetual due. It is a covenant of salt forever before the Lord for you and for your offspring with you.” (Numbers 18:19)


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My mom had a stroke and my mom's mom had a stroke and my dad got diagnosed with congestive heart failure.


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Thinkin about getting some dodgy diet shit from the smoke shop tbqh.


>Fat: 8g
>Carbohydrate: 17g
>Protein: 2g
It's no good. Ideal ratio is protein > fat > carbohydrate, where carbohydrate should a distant third.


No idea what that is but it looks terrible

Women should really just be classified into three categories: pre-fertile, fertile, and post-fertile. It's the least deceptive way to label them


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(you) clearly don't know what a binge is.


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It's truly delicious. Don't ever start. You won't be able to stop.


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>should really just be classified into three categories
(you) should do the same for men too. Just to even the score.


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I'm not going to waste time on another fruitless age of consent argument. My only point is that KonoSuba is not something I will let my children watch at their current ages. I don't entirely hate the show, some scenes are funny and I do like the Aqua booty shots as previously mentioned, but it's pretty bland overall. I haven't watched the spinoff about the explosion girl yet, thoughever, and waiting for season 4 to finish to view that as well.


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I don't know anything about your chinese cartoons.


>salt is good for you

nice try kike


Some of them are really good, more meaningful and produced with more care than Western media. More are at least entertaining to a degree higher than most modern Western media, so I may as well dip into zipperhead schlock and try to find some gems. Jews here, gooks there. Uwe Boll is a cool guy, by the way.


Isn't he like 60 or something? Honestly he aged well considering.


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Have a blessed night. Non-troll.


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He's your guy.


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smilemeth on an image spamming spree again smh


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eat shit and die KIKE


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The wall comes for us all.


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youre actually deranged


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literally deranged


HDV keeping us all chained to dis ded neo nazi bort. H'why u do dis HDV?!


taylor swift is ugly


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Look in a mirror.


imagine posting this erratically from your shitty tablet goblinsaga, you fat fucking putrid slab of shit lmao, youll never know true love because nobody will ever see you as more than some mentally challenged ugly monster


hiding this trash thread now, j dont entertain goblins


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D-word and A-word please cease your spam mkay



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Interesting. I'm in the process of quitting both caffeine and marijuana right now. Been clean of weed for 5 days now and I'm drinking a fraction of the caffeine I used to drink. Removing toxic habits is the first step to attaining true health


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There's hope for you after all. Now you'll get pumped and dumped by three generations.


Hagmaxxing is only good for young men to grind XP. Most hags these days are probably also zombies though, and therefore useless for everything. I wouldn't even feed a zombie hag to my livestock


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Is that a fake article bud. I mean premise seems weird and I can't find the article

He also has a yt but his English isn't that great and speaks pretty slowly lol. Very long vids though the content can be interesting


Is interesting if you want to hear about specific issues/symptoms etc


File: 1716220027272.webp 49.57 KB, 1139x1139, Screenshot_20240520-104633.webp

>fake article
Yeah. They're trolls.


Sounds good. I think periods of true sobriety (we can argue about what that means though! (especially when we think about processed foods...)) are important and helpful.


Isekai was a mistake. Never let kids near it.


Christianity is an isekai


This is why kikes want to slander salt, probably.


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Those are both cool names

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