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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1717367008907.jpeg 118.99 KB, 1080x1199, 12o5N4Gk87Gq.jpeg


this explains smiley


>Hello fellow ants


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She's literally a tranny and not even a good passing one


File: 1717517063874.webp 214.41 KB, 1440x2139, Screenshot_20240604-110133.webp

He has a uncut bwc. HUGE!


Damn that guy is good looking. Reminder to MEW HARD! Close your mouth and suck your tongue and saliva back and swallow so it hits your upper palate. And research how to Mew if you don't know, there's probably still stuff for me to learn too. It's remarkable how different he looks to smiley, who must've mouth-breathed in his youth, like I must've somewhat.


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Smiley got his face smashed in and pulverized by plastic surgeons just like moody. Then they reconstructed their faces and tried to turn them into visual chads. Are they chads now?

... to answer that rhetorical question, no. Oh and when or if they deceive some poor S.O.B woman into marriages, they're both going to get sued when the children come out as ugly dweeb losers and not as chads!


File: 1717530431651.webp 223.89 KB, 1439x2207, Screenshot_20240604-144509.webp

She has a brother. Here she is next to him. This is proof that ts isn't a bio man.


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What? Don't tell me you're doubting MEW?

I think it can be surprising how well children can turn out if raised well. Yes I see we are getting into nature vs nurture. But when women get pregnant it seems they draw all the resources they can to make the baby healthy.


I tried to Chadmorph smiley yesterday and couldn't do it very well, the lighting in his pic is not very good and the angle makes it hard, as does his hair obscuring his face.


That's definitely Bondi, Tamaramma or Bronte. Wonder how she wasn't swamped

- - Ok I just checked and it was from 2012. Makes sense.


Your Photoshop skills are terrible. Are you a mouth breather? Do (you) need plastic surgeons to fix your jew face?

>they draw all the resources

Those are called gold diggers.


I have to click the (hide) button on smileys face.


File: 1717532146405.gif 1.88 MB, 190x139, 1384927313923.gif

My face is alright I just think it could've been much better if I didn't mouth breathe to whatever extent I did in my youth.

Not sure if you're jesting about women, what I meant was that the woman's body tries to make the baby as healthy as possible, even in the cases that either parent is a drug user and so on.


It was a few mins in Gimp with the Warp/transform tool. I Chadmorphed myself with it very well


I got so many matches on Tinder etc after Chadmorphing. But I just hated the whole online dating experience. Was such a good decision to quit them all


People don't naturally mouth breath. That's not something regular people do.


You need plastic surgeons to fix your jew face.



I used to walk thru some grass on my way to a bus stop to get to school, as a kid, which gave me hay fever and I think it made me mouth breathe a bit. But otherwise my face is longer and narrow than I think it should be, like smiley's, but not to the same extent at all. My face is still pretty nice.




I picture (you) as a manlet smiley-jew.


4chon it's about the friends nobody made here along the way. Friendship is gay and not magic.


No you'd all here say I'm pretty good looking. You'd say I'm beating myself down too much. But I don't just want to be good looking or decent looking, I want to be THE BEST! THE WORLD NEEDS BEAUTY!


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File: 1717538932488-1.webp 22.22 KB, 900x675, reaper-death.webp

Either I find a hot smart babe and make little Fanning sisters or I kms. THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND!



The ultimate game.

Light vs dark, hope vs despair

And all the world's fate hangs in the balance


File: 1717540989461.webp 32.82 KB, 1371x1373, Screenshot_20240604-174246.webp

>or I kms
Eat a box of waffle ice cream bars and throw them up.


(you) posted a gay vampire movie clip. What's it supposed to mean?


This just seems so mean and the DXM chugger is not mean. I should not be mean to the DXM chugger.


File: 1717541697838.webp 77.67 KB, 1221x1365, Screenshot_20240604-175406.webp

Damnit. DXM chugger. Damn (you) for being...


...4chon has only been mean to me and now all I know is meanness


File: 1717541799898.webp 75.47 KB, 934x1390, Screenshot_20240604-175620.webp


Stockholm syndrome


File: 1717542038886.webp 73.92 KB, 1286x1678, Screenshot_20240604-175947.webp

DXM chugger is nice. He dindu nuffin. He a gud boi.


File: 1717542407261.webp 74.16 KB, 1340x1933, Screenshot_20240604-180600.webp

4chon and I both hate niggers. This is why I stay.


File: 1717542801623.gif 1.58 MB, 300x300, c8be99fa9315b3b1fbe780aa24b….gif

Don't eat a box. Don't buy it.


File: 1717543584059.webp 87.74 KB, 1095x1555, Screenshot_20240604-181730.webp

Now I want to watch bulimics in action. Time for some mukbang videos.


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I think I posted this before but I'm still really not sure, IF I eat a box or 2 of ice cream sandwiches or whatever - would it be better to hurl them or let them digest? Pretty often I've been choosing the former. To retain my SLEEK PHYSIQUE. But that whole cycle is bad (eat carbs, throw up, repeat) so I try to just avoid it altogether. You/One can do that by downing a lot of fat. My IGA has this duck fat, it's quite liquid so you can scoop it and swallow it easily and its rather cheap (like $4.50 for 250gm or somethin).


The protagonist actor is actually gay, but he is a pretty good actor. Are you talking about the clip? That part of the film is KINO. The film itself is MIDDLING at best, it has some good moments. Actually the moments after he becomes some kind of vamp are cool as fuck, it's like being on DXM (auditory enhancement).


File: 1717555026391.gif 2.18 MB, 326x408, 171755498463590997.gif

Oh. Okay. (you) just wanted to post it because.


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File: 1717556695404.mp4 29 KB, 640x360, THAT'S RACIST.mp4


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When you binge you drink duck fat and it makes purging easier? Is that H'what are (you) saying?


File: 1717556903531.webp 131.36 KB, 1428x2195, Screenshot_20240604-220754.webp

I hate niggers.

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