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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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That's some real web 1.0 kind of stuff.


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Phantasm pls rate

This is from a place in Sydney Town Hall called "Regent Place", it's been open about 2 years. It's a place for basically "higher-end" Asian food (Jap, Korean) and some other misc Asian or weeb stuff like gatcha. But it's still sort of food-court style food so I think you could call it like middle-range dining. The place I was at in particular is supposedly styled to be like an alleyway Jap place. Very good service, very quick, efficient, very nice honestly, aside from being fairly pricey (but as you'd understand, you're paying to sit and have a nice meal/bite/beer/erc with a friend or relative or lover). Pretty cool honestly. I went here with my mum after we watched Furiosa. Didn't feel like drinking, probably would've if we had a 3rd.

Very clean food too. GREAT! Nice place to socialize I think.


Did you make that png image? Neat if so.


Sometimes I forget. So I have to talk to myself and clarify. No, we didn't make it.


I think that's about 30 dollars in American, so not a bad price.


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H'What would do you for a klondike bar?


I'm really excited, I just found out that this place delivers Cleopatras Bath Milk in/to Sydney.


piss and shit thread when


They should legalize walkable BBC in my gay ass.



Well. Suck your cock, obviously.


desperation thy name is goblinsaga


I'll get Sunak on the horn and see what I can do!

Be ready to do this during negotiations with the PM.


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covered some pizza in red pepper flakes last night and now my butthole is angry


hole pics



I had a very painful spasm in one of my eyes a couple days ago. It was pulsating nonstop for about ten minutes. I had received a cut on the same eye several years ago from a tree branch while walking around playing pokemon go and had to go to the doctor. The cut hurt, but this was a lot worse. On the level of pasing a kidney stone, but sharper and in my eyeball instead.
When I could finally open my eye without incurring intense pain, it was ultra-bloodshot, like beet red. The other eye was the typical white. Looked kinda funny side-by-side. Anyway, hoping this isn't an omen. Can't tell if there was any impact on my eyesight, but I wear glasses anyway. I feel much more leery about switching to contacts or having laser surgery now, though.


>I feel much more leery about switching to contacts or having laser surgery now, though.
It's not like your ophthalmologist wouldn't examine your eyes first if you're eligible. PRK can be done for a reasonable price in Mexico.


>Most notoriously difficult and outdated laser eye surgery
>Just do it in a third world country bro
That won't end very well.
PRK is very good for unconventional prescriptions like high astigmatism though.


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Broke my approx 3 year no caffieine streak with this (aside from the dimenhydrinate and some other small things).

Sure was tasty. I wasn't sure I felt the caffeine so much. I estimate it would've had like 20-30mg. Really didn't feel like much. Had it to help keep me up to approach women today but I couldn't find that many women of my type/age around where I went. Then bought another one of these thingoes on the way home because I was tired again and felt it more that time.


Seems like Sat&Sun around the Sydney CBD at 10am until late or whenever are the best times to find cuties.


Oh god that chocolate, specifically, is so addictive.

"Old Gold" fucking sucks. Had some of the regular dark choc whatev then hurled it. But that Lindt Hazlenut is amazing.


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did you ever try this when it was available?


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Yeah I remember something like that. Don't really remember the specific varieties but I think I bought them for family members birthdays.

I had this today it was also really good.



Swear I already posted that


Why does Julia Child look and sound like the woman from Keeping Up Appearances


beaners are so retarded. they always cry about hard shell tacos being a "white people thing" but they were patented by a mexican. beaners are just butthurt that the only people who stooped low enough to fuck their great great great great grandmothers were the spaniards.


crunchy shell is tejano style but annoying third culture kid spics assume chilango culture should be the standard for all hlateeenose


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damn. i really like dark chocolate :(


The higher-ups are psychopaths.


Could be from tap water if I had to guess.


Could be from ((((them)))) if I had to guess.


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