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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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I have a really big secret to share with (you) 4chon.

The big secret reveal:

I am smart.


Thanks for reading my confession.

Don't tell anyone.

Got to keep the secrets SECRET or else it won't be secret!!


SSSHHHH don't tell anyone!!!


I'm tellin fukken errybody


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Sup, stacy?


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I have created billboard topping number one hits. I have gotten people grammys. I'm magickal af.


File: 1735967045142.jpg 6.32 KB, 225x225, earaee.jpg

ok, magic man, if you're so smart then tell me how to cure autism in a span of 12 minutes NOW ass


Kys. Problem solved. You're welcome.



An autismo that doesn't know how to load a gun. That checks out.


You know all about loads, Avid

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