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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1718831170165.jpg 34.58 KB, 599x680, 20240619_114849.jpg


>beady eyes with mongrel coloring
>massive semite nose
>rat mouth
>hands clasped together
This is the most Jewish face I've ever seen


Is it you?


File: 1718833625658.jpg 74.98 KB, 700x972, 18481-kingcobrajfs.jpg

heres another kike as fuck face


Now THAT is a kike.


ozempic face


he's an arab but I can see how you'd make that mistake

this is just an ugly white guy


>hes an arab
nice try kike


shut up retard


i went to school with a faggot who looked almost exactly like this, he tried to get me to get circumcised and in general was an insipid cowardly shitstain, utter waste of life and never had a nice thing to say about anyone, by the end of high school i was sick to death of him, luckily i cut him off along with my other toxic faggot acquaintances and ive never been better both mentally and physically, while they are probably exactly the same drugoid worthless cringe losers theyve always been


why would he care if you were uncircumcised? i remember other boys called me turtleneck because they saw i was uncut in the showers after PE. americans think it's weird not to be damaged. you can show them all the degenerate stuff about kellogg and they will still circumcise their kids just because it's tradition at this point.


because he was a kike faggot, trying to drag me down to hell with him, he always did gay shit and was always too personal with everything, i dont know for sure why he tried to get me to have my dick mutilated though for sure, he was just weird as shit, his house also stunk like it had just a weird smell to it

america is cucked byond belief, so many children each day are mutilated because of those hideous kikes and their stupid sinful plans, its really no joke that they are the children of satan, all of the signs are there, its cut and dry, there is no irony or metaphorical meanings behind what they do, theyre simply evil creatures through and through


more like someone who has crawled out of swamps of finland


File: 1719340129594.png 175.33 KB, 625x775, 1679705365544.png

nah, THIS is what a kike looks like


Arabs and Jews are the same.






S H A N E????


lol at kike thread


holy shit what an ugly kike

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