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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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ok which one of you little fucking FAGGOTS had the waybackmachine scrub 4chon.net


Now do it to this site. Too many people might be connecting the dots about me heh. I didn't say that!


I thought I would be hot shit and tried the chink mirror of 4chon that we had to use for like a week when the site was shitting itself, but both hits just directs to a stock picture of a woman and an explanation on cookies lol

Anybody got a link to that old ADL pdf on online antisemitism that credited 4chong with creating the happy merchant? I've been looking for it for years.


Tagechan has a few captures. One was a vocaroo thread but all the links have expired rip


File: 1719022156683.png 17.65 KB, 800x346, google.png

>Anybody got a link to that old ADL pdf on online antisemitism that credited 4chong with creating the happy merchant? I've been looking for it for years.
learn to use google



I didn't say I'd been looking for it every minute of every day, you pedantic spoonfeeding fucking nigger, that page is less than 4 years old.


i knew something like this would happen, kikes just can't allow even small places like this to stay


who could this be, seriously?
why did people care at all?


ling 2 4chon archibes blease, sir


File: 1719059597562.png 273.53 KB, 755x1067, merchant.png


fuck off and die you skitzo retard


who dat


and nobody bothered to archive the site on their machine, really?
what the fuck, goys


My computer asploded, sorry fam


i bet it was the shrimp dick manlet foky


2024 kill stee


kill yourself


hi stee! we gon getcha


not stee
take meds

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