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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Out of the different Final Fantasy 11 private servers, I like Valhalla the most.

Valhalla has TRUSTs, 90 level cap, XP gain rate same as retail. Movement speed is increased, all Home Point crystal warps and outpost warps are unlocked. They have some nice extra content like a unique gear augment system, a few custom dungeons, Dynamis D raids are unlocked. Rise of the Zilart, Treasures of AU, Wings of the Goddess expansions are all unlocked and working properly.

So anyway if you are tried of the slow grind to 75 on the other private servers like Horizon or Eden, then come check out Valhalla.

https://www.valhalla.group/home/doku.php?id=start(USER WAS BASED FOR THIS POST)


>final fantasy



Epic, simply epic



I got banned from XIV because of my username right as I got billed for another month. So, quite frankly, Squeenix can fellate a shotgun and take nigger dicks in their eye sockets. First customer service Indian was a moron and told me to use the browser portal to discontinue billing and that I wouldn't be refunded when I didn't even request a refund and plainly stated their own stupid website doesn't let me access most account features, including updating billing info, while banned.


cry more bitch nigger


You are brown like shit lol


>can't play as a male with bunny or cat ears



you realise where you are dont you? the admin an most of the posters here are faggots


fuck square enix


i am straight, fuck off


Post video of yourself watching gay porn and not getting a boner and maybe we'll believe you.


as a male, i should be playing a male character and it just happens that i find animal ears appealing also girls love it


no i will FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Playing with IRL friends = male character
Playing solo or with strangers = big booba whore ass


if i am gonna clock 1000 hours on a virtual second job with third person perspective, i am at least going to take advantage of the benefit of getting to stare at a shapely female ass. i rolled a viera on XIV when they were still sex locked to female. i dont want to be one irl, i want to fuck one irl.





Tranny copium.

>yeah my personalized in game avatar who represents me in this game is a girl, b-but I just want to coom over her no other reason honest injuns!


sounds more like you're a projecting, weak-minded fag if you believe staring at a digital depiction of a woman's ass would make you troon out. as we all know, the old pyramid tit lara croft game notoriously created an entire generation of trannies when it came out herpaderp.


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shut up you retarded faggot


of course some faggot who sucks nigger dicks would think staring at a woman's ass is retarded


youre the biggest faggot here, your constant bringing up of gay anal sex out of nowhere trounces any 'playing as female character' lmao, you fucking faggot, do you seriously not notice how much of a faggot you are? yikes, maybe thats why youre always saying im gay, it distracts everyone from how much of a literal homosexual you are, the playing as a female character quite frankly just adds to your closeted homosexuality


i like how you are such a schizophrenic retard that you think you are perpetually arguing with your boogeyman no matter what you are responding to. wouldnt be surprised if you were diagnosed with asperger's. i will say it's really funny when people pose as you and act gay because it's guaranteed to make you throw an impotent tantrum.


nigger dicks? where? WHERE!!?!?! Let me at 'em, let me at 'em

^ Avid, yosemite sam red and fuming at being denied some NEL


im autistic, not that it matters, fuck your imageboard rules, communist faggot

>i will say it's really funny when people pose as you and act gay because it's guaranteed to make you throw an impotent tantrum.

of course you think its funny, mentions of fag shit make you happy and smile dont they, you enjoy reading that shit

kill yourself


>im autistic
well, i did say i wouldnt be surprised about it. makes sense why you think every response is made by some fat retard from australia.

>mentions of fag shit make you happy

no it's definitely the reaction. case in point: >>82721


they didnt let avid be a tootsie pop mascot because he wouldnt stop licking and just bite the lollipop to keep the commercial short.


you said aspergers, im autistic, theres a difference, all of you losers have been spamming me impersonating me calling me gay when im not because you are trying to drive me to commit suicide


i dont care what flavor of autism you have specifically and you clearly have other mental problems if being made fun of on the internet makes you contemplate suicide.


i dont contemplate it, i simply stated thats why theyre doing it, and they have been doing since 2016, theyre entirely fucking deranged, you try having someone that obsessed and sick in the head obsessing and slandering you and then you can judge


LOL, classic 'vid


fuck off kike


>>82733 (checked)
why commit suicide when you could become 4chon's sasha gray and make lots of dosh by dildoin yerself on cam?????


still not seeing it. just seems like you tend to sperg even when unprovoked and then you rightfully get made fun of. you tell other people to commit suicide all the time and nobody bats an eye. i have stalkers and i have been told to kill myself many times. wanna know what works for me? not giving a shit about mentally ill internet dorks.


I'mma level witchu. I was one of the first handful of guys to start making fake-gay-avid posts after his trip leaked. Over the years I've had pangs of remorse a and vowed to stop on more than a couple occasions. Do you know what happened every single time that I or one of my bros tried to interact normally with an avid thread as anons? He insulted us, told us to neck ourselves, etc. He's a shitty retarded person that refuses to leave and can't post without identifying himself.

p.s. his normal posts really don't dispel the gay allegations they're always about piss and shit and farting


i didnt tell anyone to neck unprovoked you fucking idiot, the only times ive done that is when FAGGOTS post FAGGOT shit directed at me

like this fucking worthless cunt here

>p.s. his normal posts really don't dispel the gay allegations they're always about piss and shit and farting

nigger im literally straight as fuck, i think its more a projection of yours to assume that, fart shit and piss jokes are funny to me, i dont know what more to say, youre jumping to the wrong conclusions

>I was one of the first handful of guys to start making fake-gay-avid posts

i hope you get stage 4 bone cancer, you and your faggot buddies, trying to get me to neck by constantly harrassing me with this shit for years, shit you probably couldn't handle yet youre blaming me for fighting back, typical fucking sperg.


too bad you have some type of autism that tanks your self-awareness


my guess is youre the opposite in that you care about what people think of you, thats pathetic to me, we dont live a long time, why do you care so much? are you perhaps brainwashed by western media into a desperate state of trying to be 'cool'?


i dont care at all lol. i dont shave or cut my hair and i wear ragged clothes i have had since high school when i could easily replace them. it is just funny to see you hop between playing the victim and acting like an insufferable schizophrenic cunt.


>i dont care at all lol. i dont shave or cut my hair and i wear ragged clothes i have had since high school when i could easily replace them

and you come here and use that description of yourself to convince people youre uncaring and le cool

>it is just funny to see you hop between playing the victim and acting like an insufferable schizophrenic cunt.

elaborate on this, im curious as to how its funny to you


if you care enough to put effort into your appearance then you definitely care about what people think of you, though a lack of self-awareness has less to do with that and more to do with not understanding why others react negatively to you. you were crying "boo hoo hoo they are trying to push me to suicide" when they actually almost never tell you to kill yourself and instead paint you as a faggot who sucks nigger dicks whenever you start mouthing off (which is pretty much all the time).


>if you care enough to put effort into your appearance then you definitely care about what people think of you

i dont care though, when did i say i did?

>"boo hoo hoo they are trying to push me to suicide"

i wasnt crying though, i was just stating thats probably why faggots here spam that shit toward me

>whenever you start mouthing off (which is pretty much all the time).

wrong, i stopped posting here for months, came back and they were still doing it


nigger you go out of your way to be a cynical faggot and talk shit and complain about how everything is shit all the time


i actually come here to have a discussion, im then met with faggotry, dogisaga nonsensical image spam, im pissing into an ocean of piss


the only person you are fooling is yourself


what am i fooling myself with?


honestly you are a total headcase


elaborate, id argue im just an angry person


you are both angry and dishonest, and i am convinced you dont possess the mental faculties to see reality.


dishonest how?

>and i am convinced you dont possess the mental faculties to see reality.

again, how?


come on. i have tried to engage with posts without expecting it was you multiple times in the past and, as far as i know, you always default to standoffish spergatry. if you cant understand this is what you do all the time, you are either dishonest or too autistic to possess a shred of self-awareness.


that seems like a you problem if im honest


>a you problem
which is entirely why i am trying to tell you that YOU have a fucking problem, you autistic idiot.


We imitated everyone whose trip leaked (bestonian, kkraj, etc) and most only replied with "lol" and "not me" a few times before ignoring us entirely. You are a lolcow.


is it essential that i post content you specifically would like to see?
did you imitate those people day after day for years, slandering them though? i dont think so, i believe ive seen the posts you are describing a literal handful of times
>You are a lolcow.
im not, getting pissed off at people constantly spamming me with gay shit doea not make me a lolcow


you are a lolcow


>im not, getting pissed off at people constantly spamming me with gay shit doea not make me a lolcow
You are upset about being "slandered", despite the fact that the only people who know you by that moniker are the very same people who make fun of you. Nobody else knows who "avid" is, there's no reputation to slander. It upsets you because you are a doofus.


>It upsets you because you are a doofus.
no, it annoys me because i hate gay shit
>Nobody else knows who "avid" is
you mean on this site or on the internet? because on this site ive never read a "who is avid?" post


this really is the greatest game i have ever played



>im not, getting pissed off at people constantly spamming me with gay shit doea not make me a lolcow
you react just as negatively to being called straight


no i dont because that doesnt happen here


he's a lolcow



by calling you a lolcow, he's projecting and hides his insecurities
he's a lolcow


avid's therapist has entered the chat


lots of fun stuff lately, players running some custom level 90 dungeons together, and putting custom enhancement enchants on their gear too, which really makes us overpowered. BLU and PLD are gods on this server!


i dont have a therapist


anyone tried it yet?


ive had a couple psychologists, they were pretty bad, they basically just told me to get out more and stuck me on meds that made me drool

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