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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1719782706867.webp 47.31 KB, 1080x1027, Screenshot_20240630_222152….webp


poopy piss shit


A homo posting his fetishes.


im not gay, i also dont have any fetishes besides maybe the odd GILF vid now and then




your penis is small, avid


its not though


timestamped pic or u lyin


no thanks


File: 1719891256168.jpg 118.54 KB, 779x1024, GRbxCvHboAA4R-z.jpg

Do you think women enjoy getting raped by these migrant hordes? White women are the ones who overwhelmingly vote for pro-immigration politicians.


Women have the brains of children. They don't understand the consequences of their actions, plus they are impressionable and desire to respect the projected social status quo (again, much like children). It's an open secret that Europeans do not want these shitskins in their nations and the politicians are acting against the will of the people.


yes, goyim, men of all races are based rightwingers and white women are da biggest libs! the rightwing party in your country would definitely deport all niggers (except da christian based ones) if only women would let them!


I don't like christfags who care more about religion than race either, but women should not be allowed to vote period.


its best in my opinion to just not care about incidents like this if youre not in any position in which you could help them, its a somewhat soulless choice but its entirely logical aswell


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holocaust museum of shanghai latest exhibit

authentic recreation

horrifying (never again)


File: 1720038454547.png 90.33 KB, 1534x764, programmers-dance-classes.png


goblinsaga eats its own shit

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