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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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I found red[x]'s jewtube channel! Let's all have a goon and give him a like and subberino!!!!


That nasally annoying voice.


File: 1719864453897.png 265.73 KB, 591x761, sony-nigger-AIDS.png



xbox/microsoft did the same, also steam, i ask, whats then left?


Nintendo is also importing niggers with AIDs?


again i ask, where would you have us go?


Rutracker if you must play AIDs-nigger games.


tell me, what games do you play?


Nothing right now. Regardless, while I am certain most major game companies support globohomo, I don't think it's usually as bad as explicitly importing literal AIDs-niggers. Do gaymers have any boundaries or what?


my bad, i didnt even open the pic, thought it was some homosex acceptance garbage

>importing aids carriers

>from 3rd world countries
>countries that are less intelligent and more uncaring about everything

ok, what in the moloch is going on here


stfu he sounds cool and hot


lol wat. I don't and never had a yt.


yea... I'm gonna need to see timestamped bellend to corroborate this

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