Woah, the milquetoast kosher club had a meet-up? I gotta watch this!
>>83086well that's the bloody essence of the matter, isn't it? as the prodigal son, you must stick your unwashed member into the dragon's sphincter to restore the good name of your father.
Hmm didn't seem that interesting actually. I skipped ahead a lot because it was all about muh grooming gangs which I'm kind of bored of hearing about. But it was interesting to hear about how targetted "Tommy" was/is. He's certainly brave. Said he worked for Rebel Media so he must be controlled by now, must be some kind of Zionist, imho. Peterson seems to be riding the Oct 7 anti-Muslim wave.
Peterson said they'd do another interview via zoom. There is some anti-Mus demonstration on the 27th in the UK somewhere.
>>83222I'll be tired of hearing about them when someone grows a spine and starts doing something well deserved to muslim child-rapists. That shit was knowingly allowed to happen for 20 years and law enforcement did nothing. That's cowardly to the point of being evil.
Didn't watch the video, by the way. Can't stand these wet tissues. They're false shepherds meant to lead disillusioned young White men back toward the status quo.
everyone thats not White needs to be killed. We need a planet of our own, the other races are simply not even human!
>>83300Too bad that alt-med treatment his daughter had him take didn't kill him.
>>83265My motto: if you are brown, I will frown.
why does this exist...?