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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Biden drops out, it's her turn CHUDS

Who could've predicted this coming?

Oh wait. Everyone.


Its big mike's turn crackas


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imagine caring who presides over the global crime syndicate that calls itself the government


A lot of the dems want to have an emergency primary apparently. Can't blame them, but there's not much time left.

It's time for third term Obama.


I'm getting bored of it too. Whens the next mass casualty event?


I'd reimburse Trump by sucking his willie!


This. It's all theater. Trump will be the next puppet, and (((they'll))) make it appear as a classic underdog story where he barely wins by the skin of his teeth, so his brainless followers feel triumphant and ecstatic

Then it's off to war. Orange man will get h'white golems to enlist like Joe never could


based Trump


But... my Israel-firster with jewish in-laws is different...


Congratulations. You made it onto my Instagram.


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No refunds




Me thinketh not! Tho thou doth protest! :^)


I don't think he dropped out willingly. Somebody else probably made a tweet under his name announcing he was dropping out without him even knowing, and then gas-lit him into believing it was his idea.


Biden was assassinated, this is a coup. Harris is a globohomo communist jeet slave manchurian candidate with a jewish husband
<Harris's father


Christ, that explains why they didn't go with Newsom

Apparently a recent statement by Biden was created with AI lmfao


>family intermarried with jews
just like Trump and Biden

at least one of his kids has to marry a kike or pajeet before he can be president


>Apparently a recent statement by Biden was created with AI lmfao
because he is dead


biden is old and gay

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