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They went to a restaurant and her father asked if she would be pure until marriage and she said yes and cried.


She will get 15-20k subs by EOY


She likes holding babies, she spoke about how she did some babysitting and also when she went to church sometimes she'd hold babies. And otherwise said she loves children.


she is lying for views
>trusting any foids say


almost certainly won't last. she's 16 and will divorce her future husband after a few years and renounce her christian fundamentalist upbringing

she'll be like this chick


A couple things about this.

1) This shit is weird. You don't need a weird ass, marriage-esque incestual purity ring to give to your dad to prove you'll wait till marriage, and I say this from a pro-Christian argument. It's odd, perverted, and is not what rings are for in marriage, and another reason why burger Christianity isn't Christianity.

2) People say that more 'traditionalist' people need to be more emotional like leftists are in their argumentation/optics, but on this topic, I think it's the exact opposite. I think people need to rationally talk about the importance of being an adult and not being promiscuous because of the statistics as to just how bad it is, and extrapolate that to their personal lives (divorce, mental health issues, poor environment for raising children, etc). And the more people that can be honest about how promiscuity has ruined their lives and can speak up, the better. Because if you approach this shit too emotionally, like this dad has, then it'll just end up in this:

Because she hasn't made the decision to have low risk sexual behaviour out of self-preservation, so she won't see the consequences of her actions, 'get bored', divorce young, and then ruin her life further by being promiscuous.


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Marriage is specifically against the teachings of the Bible. Jesus died as a celibate virgin and taught his followers to be celibate virgins. All of his apostles died celibate, other than maybe Peter who was married before meeting Jesus

>"It is good for a man not to have sexual relations with a woman.” (1 Corinthians 7:1)

>“Do not seek a wife. This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away.” (1 Corinthians 7:27,29-31)

>"I wish that all men were [celibate] as I am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this gift, another has that. Now to the unmarried and widows I say this: It is good for them to remain unmarried, as I am." (1 Corinthians 7:7-8)

>"For there are eunuchs who were born that way; others were made that way by men; and still others live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.” (Matthew 19:12)

>"These are they that were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are they that follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb." (Revelation 14:4)


This was an attempt by Paul to hold down the fort. There are many copes people use to justify what he was saying, but I believe that in typical cult-like fashion he simply didn't want his followers to have other attachments. Early Christianity was hardly any different from Heaven's Gate.
>Just wait for Jesus to come back, guys. TWO MORE WEEKS!


Are you Christian? I was raised Christian. When I did my Confirmation thing (age 10 or something) I was thinking to myself "actually I don't believe this, I support the devil instead! XD". So I was already rebelling or feeling like I was rebelling. But I think I was also atheist/agnostic at that point anyway. The Abraham religions are interesting to me, if they ever are, for historical/cultural/social/linguistic etc reasons. I largely think of religion as a mass-delusion.

You have a good point but the girl and her family have all discussed related stuff like why they don't date, in other videos.


Someone told me that religion is just a proxy for race in the minds of most normoids. It's a terrible shame that j*ws managed to destroy h'white tribalism and replaced it with this fake and gay semitic brainrot

Out of all Abrahamic religions Christianity is the worst by far


Still is.
>>Just wait for Jesus to come back, guys. TWO MORE WEEKS!
Top kek. They're still waiting but Jesus went out for a pack of smokes and never came back. Daddy issues THE CULT! :^)


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Not him, but spent half my life on this shit. Never had a "spiritual" experience as people allege having themselves. Gave more effort to study and practice than at least 90% of christians do. The way I've heard someone else describe hearing others' explain their spiritual experiences is that they sound like either coincidence or delusion. I was ambivalent about it when I gave it up, felt it was a lie since I never received any indication otherwise and so many christians were horrible cunts. Now I have a strong distaste for it.

Seems like it's brought only ruin to White people. People credit so many achievements to christians instead of Europeans, but Europe was great long before christianity gained traction and you don't see similar accomplishments happening with regions full of nonwhites after they adopt christianity. On top of it all, White nations are being destroyed with mass immigration and many christians are accepting of it. All they care about is if the brown people believe in jewsus. If White christians have any pride for their race, it's almost never what they primarily identify with.

Not to say I know for a fact that everything is chemicals and there is no higher power, but the world seems pretty fucked. Only an incompetent retard or psychopath would deliberately design this mess. If there is a creator and spirituality is real, they're probably nothing like humans have written about.


>gave up on Christianity because he didnt have an awakening

you spoilt little brat, ever thought you didnt have one because you didnt need one? Christianity doesnt need faggots like you cluttering it up only there because you want something, bet you still celebrate Christmas though, you little rat.


My family celebrates it. I don't put anything up at my house. You're right, christfaggotry doesn't need devotees. Just needs to maximize its follower count with turd-world breeding stock and literal pozzed faggots. Truly the Wal-Mart of religions.


If you want a spiritual experiences I would recommend all of the basic meme stuff combined together- prayer, meditation, prostration. Don't pray to Jewsus though. Try the nameless, formless, infinite creator, or try something with a name and form, understanding that it's a mere mask for the infinite one. Buddhists call the latter "cultivating the false to pursue the real". Raja yoga is a good template for genuine spiritual practice

>If there is a creator and spirituality is real, they're probably nothing like humans have written about

A good story needs villains, background characters, evil and suffering

Any religion that doesn't give direct experience of God is garbage


Take psychedelics.



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>you spoilt little brat, ever thought you didnt have one because you didnt need one? Christianity doesnt need faggots like you cluttering it up only there because you want something, bet you still celebrate Christmas though, you little rat.


>1) This shit is weird.


I spend a lot of time in silence with my eyes shut. Don't know if that counts.

I haven't in awhile, but I used to do a lot. Was smoking DMT regularly for a period of some months at one point. Had taken
stuff like LSD, shrooms, mescaline, salvia, ketamine and random designer chemicals intermittently for years. Those were fun times, but I didn't consider them spiritual experiences.


go smoke more meth you ugly faggot


>Christianity bad... But Buddhism good!

Ok maybe I could elaborate, but basically Buddh's just a lesser evil. It's also not White either.

I know many ppl are antsy about paganism but it is pretty damn cool. I would get involved with some kind of pagan resurgence if I found a scene with the right people, or I'd start one myself, which might be the same kind of thing anyway.

I pray to my own deity - mother Europe.


siddhartha gautama was whiter than (((yeshua ben yosef)))


>>Christianity bad... But Buddhism good!
Buddy, I didn't ever say this, you're synthesizing posts. All I said was that I don't think organized religion and humanity in general can know the greater nature of reality, if there even is something greater. I don't think anyone else even said this in response to me, really. I don't know how you drew the conclusion that I was necessarily shilling for buddhism.


Meant to reply to >>83853 soz


It's okay, I should've realized given context clues. Still, I don't think that post is endorsing buddhism necessarily, just some concepts that deny organized religions. Well, I shouldn't argue on behalf of either of you guys.



She's back!


I wasn't endorsing Buddhism, just merely presenting one concept I believe they have correct. Overall I think Buddhism is an anti-life, dysgenic religion, but even a broken clock is right twice a day

Buddhists say that deities are fake, but can be used as tools to get to the one eternally real essence. In this I believe they're correct


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web 1.0 design



Holy based


I miss when the internet looked like this. Now it looks and runs like shit.


Timecube heh


You mean, mental illness.


KJV is a terrible translation. I don't see why rednecks are so attached to it


pedophile thread

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