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what do hindus mean by this?


God, I wish that were me.


prolly smth liek "do teh needful and shit in the ganges"


Kali is the feminine counterpart to Shiva and is part of him. She was created as a last resort to kill a bunch of demons that had been granted unstoppable power by their spiritual feats and aceticism. She is fierce in nature and kills those things which stop her followers from their goals as far as I know. The fierceness is also a means of ensuring ppl treat this seriously and don't fool around with the divine. This is all my interpretation, take it with grain of salt.


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Shiva is the still, motionless consciousness that serves as the ground essence of the universe. Shakti is active, dynamic energy and represents all things within the universe that unfold on the screen of consciousness. It's why she stands on his dead body

There's a saying in some sects of Hinduism- "Shiva without Shakti is shava (corpse)"

It's basically a protest against many different sects and religions that think sitting around, doing nothing, experiencing nothing, and withdrawing from life is the highest good we can achieve. Buddhists for example want to meditate all day and delete themselves from existence

To a Shaiva or Shakta, the universe is a divine expression of god-consciousness, not something to escape

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