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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1722587077492.png 292.81 KB, 1663x2489, 1529460248702.png


your thoughts on this topic




Stee just wanted us to suffer.


I was 'the imageboard terrorist'.
There was a period of time that I decided that the whole point of imageboards was to create an online environment in which the moderators were a captive audience that could be targeted for abuse, all of those supposed notes on my IP were just a mere slice of the story since I have access to unlimited IP addresses. During the period of time discussed in OP I was not only torturing 4chon moderators, but also ones on several other imageboards and I was able to drive many of them to ragequit being a mod.


Uh, based?!


As I recall, that mod later defected to stormchan. What a joke of a site that was.




You wouldn't lie on the internet, would you?


(you) retard. (you) tortured [REDACTED] like that for the simple reason (you) believed that they're a mod. THEY AREN'T!! Pic related, [REDACTED] who literally didn't do anything to (you) and isn't a mod.


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>post infuriating, rule violating content
>go on another IP, report yourself
>go in the infuriating, rule violating content thread and complain like a little bitch about it
>wait for mods to ban ur original IP and delete the content
>go on a third IP and repost said content while taunting mods about their impotence
>go on yet another IP and accuse the mods of reposting the infuriating, rule violating content while using that content for OP pic
>continue forever because internet free speech activists have given you infinite free IP addresses so its fundamentally impossible to stop you from posting on imageboards
I'm actually doing this on 4cvck rn, the board I'm targeting has lost most of it's posters since I started


hdv please ban these faggots


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Get the old 8chan list of "how to spot a glownigger" guide which details all their tactics (such as forum sliding, etc.) and do everything on that list to your ideological enemies.


shut up kike


absolutely based, I think one time I made a convincing argument accusing you of doing something that FoKy may have been doing instead tho-my b if so

It's just [redacted] and she's been banned like a thousand times now heh; smileberg teaching her how to evade was probably the most demonic thing he'd ever done


smiley is a literal kike so im not surprised hes shitting up imageboards


It's worth considering what kind of patterns of behaviour you're setting up... Pot calling the kettle black a bit tho... I had such fun times greifing in tf2. Getting people stuck in teleporters was kino heh

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